Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Review for Team Realtree Outdoor Energy--Blaze Orange


Like the original, I couldn’t find a caffeine content for this drink anywhere.  Unknown.


At least around here, any Team Realtree Outdoor Energy product is found at only one location, the Sportsman’s Warehouse in Idaho Falls.  Good news for those who frequent the store, bad news for those who don't.


Team Realtree Outdoor Energy—Blaze Orange comes in the same thick aluminum bottle as the other Team Realtree products (love the thick aluminum bottles), but is easy to distinguish from the others by its singularly ostentatious orange paint job (perhaps chosen to prevent the drink from getting shot).  I’m not as wild about the getup on this one as I am the original, but it still gives me nothing to complain about, succeeding in its own right.


The taste is similar to Tang, except very heavily carbonated and with a distinct and somewhat disagreeable aftertaste—not medicinal, as with drinks like Red Bull, but seems more related to the orange flavor than anything else.  I probably would have enjoyed it more if I hadn’t downed the bottle in such a hurry—with carbonation like this, which I ordinarily very much appreciate, you kind of have to take it slow or it gets a little overwhelming.  Still, I can’t say it’s bad, just not a personal favorite.


Stronger and markedly less subtle in its action than the original, perhaps owing to the somewhat higher sugar content, but I’m not sure—since I can’t find a caffeine content for any of the flavors, I couldn’t tell you if there’s a difference between them.


No real difference from the original, though as noted, the effect is much less subtle and feels slightly more artificial.


Can't say there's a whole lot that's subtle about this drink—the look, the taste, the kick—it’s all very showy.  If you like your drinks more intense, I'd go with this one above the original, though I have to say I like the latter more, given the fact that it provided me with an experience unique among energy drinks, though this one is more standard. 


KEYWORDS: Team Realtree Blaze Orange Energy Drink review, sportsman's drink, outdoorsman's drink

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Review for Team Realtree Outdoor Energy


Couldn't find it for the life of me.


Only place I’ve ever seen this stuff is at the Sportsman’s Warehouse in Idaho Falls.  I don’t know that it’s carried at other S. W. locations or at other outdoorsman’s chains, but at least around here this stuff is pretty scarce.


Having grown up in Connecticut, I’m a sucker for forests, so naturally the woodland motif of the thick aluminum bottle very much appealed to me.  It’s clearly meant to be an outdoorsman’s energy drink and looks exactly like an outdoorsman’s energy drink should, though I could see how losing the drink after setting it down while roughing it could be a problem.


I peered inside the bottle before I tried the stuff, and was a little startled at the color—an alarming fluorescent green, with the slightest tinge of yellow.  The first sip made me think of Mountain Dew, but the rest of the drink was unmistakably ginger ale-esque—about time somebody tried to appeal to that demographic (I am exceptionally pleased that it’s not a Red Bull rip-off, which seems to be the case quite often when I think I’ve found something new and unique).  Being a ginger ale fan, I was naturally quite pleased with the stuff, though I’m taking a point off for the mild but persistent aftertaste that’s still lingering a few minutes after the fact.


This is a very slow and mildly acting energy drink, but there’s no questioning its effectiveness.  It’s the kind of drink that doesn’t really shock you into a high-energy state; it just clears out all of the cobwebs and makes you decidedly awake and alert, without jitters or crash at the end.  I guess if I had to sum up the experience in one word, it would be "natural."  I can see how it would be made for the hunting type, who need to lie still and quiet but awake while waiting for their target game to come along and would not benefit from a higher octane beverage.


After the wake-you-up, the effects are not especially tangible, so subtle that you wonder if it just woke you up and dissipated.  It really does feel like you’re awake under your own steam, which makes it hard to tell how long it really lasts.  I was quite awake for a good while after the fact; I’m going to give credit to the drink for that.


Even if not for intensity, this is the kind of drink that leaves an impression on you—in addition to tasting very different from just about every other energy drink in existence, it’s action is one of the most subtle I’ve ever had, but paradoxically does not compromise effectiveness in the least.  This is one of those drinks you really do have to try, offering a positive experience like none other I’ve had in my career of energy drinking.


KEYWORDS: Team Realtree Energy Drink review, ginger ale, sportsman's drink, outdoorsman's drink

Review for Rockstar Recovery--Orange


160 mg/16 oz. can
240 mg/24 oz. can


This stuff was fairly uncommon when it first came out, but not long after it completely inundated the market.  Don’t expect to look long or hard.


The drink comes in a can that follows the typical Rockstar motif, with the logo and the background, the difference being the principal color scheme, which centers around two shades of orange and some white lettering with lots of black accenting.  The look is an overall success.


Tastes like Tang, and I like Tang.  What’s really impressive about the flavor, however, is the fact that there are only 20 calories per can, yet it does not taste watered down (as does Rockstar Recovery—Grape) or have any hints of artificial sweetening to mar the experience (contrast with Rockstar Pink).  This makes the success of the flavor all the more impressive.  Word to the wise: makes sure you drink it cold.  I had the 24 oz. can when it was only somewhat chilled and my feelings weren’t so positive.

16 OZ. CAN


The drink was slow at getting started, and I was almost ready to dismiss the kick as average before it really hit—and let me tell you, this is some pretty hardcore stuff, much after the tradition of the original.  Between the original Rockstar and Rockstar Energy Cola, I would say that this is one of the strongest Rockstar prudicts on the market—I have not been so affected by a drink in a very long time, perhaps only two or three times since I started drinking energy drinks a couple of years ago.  There was nothing to do at that point but study for my anatomy test with exceeding efficiency, and listen to “Battlefield” by Blind Guardian over and over (a total of at least 20 times…seemed appropriate).


This drink really went into uncharted territory in terms of duration—the peak of effectiveness lasted for an hour and a half to two hours before it started to wear, off, and even then, it wore off VERY slowly, taking an additional four hours to get back to the point where I didn’t feel any effects.  And, wonder of wonders, there was no crash at the end to set me back.


While I can’t vouch for the hydration claim (the drink had a very significant diuretic effect), I can say that this is hands-down one of the most effective energy drinks I’ve ever had.  I really can’t find anything bad to say about it.  All I can say is that this drink rocks, and should be a first choice for anyone who really needs to get their hands on a serious energy drink.  Well done, Rockstar.  Well done….

24 OZ. CAN


I consumed the 24 oz. can under different circumstances than the 16 oz. can—with the latter, I was studying for an anatomy test, and with the former, I needed a boost to get me ready for work.  Needless to say, it’s pretty hard to compare the two—the 16 oz. can had me vibrating out of my seat because I was so freakin’ wired, and the 24 oz. can had me bouncing around the vet clinic where I work for the same reason.  As I recall, the perceived energy levels were more or less the same, but that is probably because it was easier for me to notice the effects when I was sitting and studying than when I was up and running.  Call the 24 oz. stronger, just because it managed to deliver the same formidable energy when I was moving around as the 16 oz. when I was sitting.


Again, what I perceived after drinking the 24 oz. can was about the same as after I drank the 16 oz. can (5-5½ hours), but as I was up and running, I find it a little more impressive that the drink was still able to deliver so well.


If you’ve had the 16 oz. can and liked it, you can plan on liking the 24 oz. can—I was extremely impressed with the former, and the latter was not too shabby, either.  Either will work; which you choose is up to whether you are fond of the flavor.


KEYWORDS: Rockstar Recovery Orange Energy Drink review, electrolytes, hydration, diuretic, 10 calories per serving, 20 calories, Rockstar Recovery Orange 16 oz. review, Rockstar Recovery Orange 24 oz. review, 16 ounces, 24 ounces

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Review for Monster Nitrous--Anti-Gravity


160 mg


Like Monster Nitrous—Super Dry, you can find it just about anywhere, though I’ve never actually seen anyone buying it.  It seems that fewer and fewer places are actually stocking it nowadays, but for now, finding it should be fairly effortless.


The can follows the standard Monster Nitrous format, with the black angled M front and center with a chaotic background to add to the sense of disorder and deviation from the norm; in this case it’s a network of orange and yellow, similar to what bone marrow would look like under a microscope (speaking from experience).


This is one of the tastier orange-inspired drinks I’ve had—exceptionally smooth, and with just the right degree of sweetness to it.  In my mind, it’s a great breakfast drink.  Also, it was probably a good idea that the size was limited to the 12-oz resealable nitrous can—you ever drink a large quantity of something you really enjoy, only to find out that it was just too much?  Such is the case here—it’s pretty good, but if it were much more than 12 oz, in the can, it would probably be overwhelming.


The kick was definitely more pronounced than what I got out of Monster Nitrous—Super Dry, but still a hair below average.  It was enough to keep me awake to study for my anatomy test later that afternoon, and maybe would have been enough for a long drive, but I would still prefer to go with something a little more potent than this stuff in the case of the latter.


Hard to tell.  It worked for a while, then it seemed to be over, but then after that, I seemed to be jolted back to consciousness for another good while.  I’m going to be safe and err on the side of caution in a numeric value to the duration.


In the end, I concede that I approve of this stuff, though my support feels kind of flimsy as I write it out—it tastes pretty dang good, but the kick leaves plenty to be desired.  As I said before, it would make for a spectacular breakfast drink, better for an early morning pick-me-up than something requiring something strong and long-lasting.


KEYWORDS: Monster Nitrous Anti-Gravity Energy Drink review, nitrous oxide, extra strength nitrous technology

Friday, June 24, 2011

Review for Rockstar Recovery--Grape


160 mg/16 oz. can
240 mg/24 oz. can


About as easy to come by as any other major energy drink; it’s not finding it that is next to impossible as opposed to finding it.


Can’s got the same format as most of the Rockstar line, except with a nifty purple and pale blue color scheme.  The result is quite the eye-catcher.


I wasn’t terribly impressed by the taste.  The grape flavor was unmistakable, but in the end the drink was still quite watery, artificial sweetener-esque and unsatisfying—in this instance, I really don’t think it would kill anyone to add a bit of sugar to the stuff.

16 OZ. CAN


The kick actually caught me a little off guard—I had just barely finished the can and was waiting at a gas station on the way home from Twin Falls when I noticed I was bouncing—the jitters were already starting to kick in, and the drink was well on its way to proving itself to be one of Rockstar's more effective beverages.


Quite impressive; certainly worthy of being considered above and beyond the call.  I was making a trip home a good deal later than normal, and I knew I was going to need something that would last to keep me going.  Just in case, I had a backup drink, but never had to use it.  I made the trip home just fine, and had energy to spare.  The effect was interesting—it was as though there were a multitude of threads anchoring me to consciousness, and the caffeine was insulating and strengthening those threads.  They were slow to fade away, and even when I was hanging by that last thread, I still could not fall asleep before my time.  If you’re looking for something solid and dependable in the longevity respect, this is definitely the drink for you.


I really wish that some more effort had been put into the flavor, because the kick this drink offers is really spectacular—it’s just not the nicest thing to drink down.  This seems like a small reservation to have next to such an awesome kick, so I’m going to say forget (as much as you can) the taste and consider this drink first and foremost the next time you need a solid, long-lasting boost.

24 OZ. CAN


Given my experience with the 16 oz. Recovery—Grape, I thought I had a pretty good idea what to expect—and I got it.  The 16 oz. can is intense, and the 24 oz. can is even more so.  Just expect more of everything I talked about in my review for the 16 oz. can—more jitters, more bouncing, etc.


The 24 oz. can hit harder than the 16 oz. can, and you can also expect it to hit for longer—plan on 5 hours or so of energy before the lack of sleep from the night before catches up to you.


Liked the 16 oz. Rockstar Recovery—Grape?  Chances are you’ll like the 24 oz. can.  As for myself, I have to say I had a harder time drinking the 24 oz. can than I did the 16 oz. can, probably just because there was more of it to burn through—by the time I hit the 18 oz. mark or so, it was getting old for me quick.  But like I said, if you are partial to the stuff, ignore what I have to say about the taste and enjoy your Rockstar Recovery—Grape!


KEYWORDS: Rockstar Recovery Grape Energy Drink review, electrolytes, hydration, diuretic, 10 calories per serving, 20 calories per 16 oz. can, 30 calories per 24 oz. can, 16 ounces, 24 ounces

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Review for Rockstar 2X

While visiting a friend in Utah recently, I was browsing the energy drink section of a gas station (something I do whenever travelling) when I saw something out of the corner of my eye that caught my attention.  It was dark, glossy, and flashy, and what’s more, it was something that I obviously not seen before.  I turned to see what this new and exciting beverage was, and I found myself eye to eye with Rockstar 2X, now coming in a 16 oz. can.

I very nearly burst into tears on the spot.

For the benefit of those reading my review of this drink for the first time, my first experience with Rockstar 2X (occurring just weeks after the release of the original 12 oz. slim can) was abysmal.  Though it had kick aplenty, it had to have been one of the worst taste experiences of my life—matched only by an oral rehydration solution I had in Colomba, Guatemala.  So naturally, I was less than excited at the prospect of reviewing the new can, which totes an additional four ounces of the stuff.

Nevertheless, I am bound by sacred oaths as an energy drink reviewer, and I sucked it up and took the can to the counter, my lower lip trembling as I waited for the transaction to go through, and my voice cracking as I specified “credit” when asked how I wanted my card ran.

Anyway, decided that day it would be better to get it over with and review the drink.  First, we’ve got the review of the 12 oz. can to get through, which I’ll be rewriting based on my post-16 oz. perspective.


250 mg/12 oz. can
320 mg/16 oz. can


Rockstar 2X can be found just short of everywhere, at least in the 12 oz. can.  I’m guessing the 16 oz. can will take a while to emerge, as most places are hard pressed (and with good reason) to get rid of the 12 oz. cans.


The first thing that benefits from Rockstar 2X’s transformation from 12 ounces to 16 ounces is the packaging.  It’s the same design and everything, with the exception of the bigger can.  However, with the smaller slim can, not all of the details that make the design awesome are readily obvious—something remedied by the upgrade, which brings those features out front and center.  The bright yellow star, the distressed black/crackled grey pattern emanating from that center star, and the hardcore font make this thing look seriously deranged—almost as though it’s saying, “Yeah, I’m obscenely caffeinated—but I’m okay with that.  In fact…I think I’m proud of it!”

12 OZ. CAN


I should have known things were going to go south when I opened the can and caught a whiff of the stuff—I mean, when the smell of something is enough burn your nose hairs, what do you think it’s going to taste like?  Anyway, the following is my original assessment of the 12 oz. can: “This stuff is bad.  No, it’s way beyond that.  Calling it "bad" is letting it off way too easy—this stuff is awful.  It’s a drink so vile that the idea for it had to have been conceived in the midst of some Rockstar employee’s dark night of the soul.  Initially, the taste is one part Rockstar, two parts artificial sweetener, and three parts cough medicine—which is gross, but if that were all there was to it, it would be merely disgusting.  It’s not.  The worst part is the aftertaste—a hot, acrid, miasma-like sensation that very nearly had me retching.  Wait, it gets even worse than that—that aftertaste isn’t like most aftertastes in more ways than its sheer badness.  Most aftertastes fade.  This one doesn’t.  It grows and it spreads and it doesn’t for a SECOND give any indication that it’s going to stop—more, it leads one to believe that it is trying to establish itself as a permanent among their taste buds, then be fruitful and multiply.  I don’t know how long it lasts for sure; I stole my friend’s Pepsi and rinsed out my mouth out with a swig as soon as I finished the dang thing.”


With 250 mg of caffeine, the 12 oz. Rockstar 2X packed quite a punch.  Thing is, as far as quality is concerned, it was kind of lacking.  It’s a really ragged kick, a sensation akin to going over a very bumpy road very fast.  It was more jitters than anything else—not really the functional sort of boost one looks for.


Rockstar 2X in a slim can has staying power to spare, I will say that much—I don’t recall how long it really lasted, only that hours later I was lying awake in bed, unable to sleep in spite of the fact that I was so tired.  In this respect the longevity is commendable, but a number of other drinks do that and more, and they don't taste like they want you to die slowly and in pain.


My final assessment of the 12 oz. can was as follows: “What were they thinking?  What madness could have driven the Rockstar Energy company, which has put out some of the best energy supplements on the market, produce such an unholy monstrosity?  If it had been anyone else, I would just assume that they’d never had an energy drink before and/or were partial to the taste of yak piss, but coming from Rockstar, this is inexcusable.  If you're thinking about trying Rockstar 2X—don’t.  Given the chance, pass it over and buy the original.  Or anything else available, for that matter.”

16 OZ. CAN


So…given the first impression Rockstar gave me with their original 2X product, it is understandable that I was not excited about reliving the experience.  Popping open the can, I braced myself—and was hit with the familiar smell of Rockstar.  By this point very confused, I warily took a sip, and to my utter astonishment…it was okay.  It wasn’t great; there were some artificial sweetener aftertastes there that weren’t very pleasant, but for the most part, it tasted decent—just classic Rockstar, for the most part.  Anyway, this has to be a new formulation—I understand that tastes change, but I remember how the 12 oz. can tasted, and this is not the same beverage as that one.


The new Rockstar 2X is insane—it has been a long time since I’ve had a beverage this potent; in a lot of ways it reminds me of the 24 oz. Rockstar Zero Carb.  It took only about 5 minutes before I was infused with an enormous amount of energy, with an extreme of every possible manifestation—jitters, alertness, shakes, extreme talkativeness, etc.


If you need something to keep you going all freaking day, the new Rockstar 2X is one of a handful of options that will do the job for you.  I got 8 or 9 hours of energy before I felt like the drink had worn off, and that came without a crash.


So even though the flavor still needs work, I can honestly say that the new Rockstar 2X was a success—it’s not so bad that I would mind at all drinking again, and the kick…well, the kick was marvelous, but it was intense enough that I’d only imbibe on occasion, and caution the usual sensitive-to-caffeine crowd to go with something a little lighter.

NOTE: Looks like as of May 2013, Rockstar 2X has been discontinued—which I find kind of a bummer.  While still distinctly lacking in the flavor department, the 16 oz. version is a drink that really earned my respect in the kick department, and I’m going to be hard-pressed to find a drink that can serve as a suitable replacement in that regard.


KEYWORDS: Rockstar 2X Energy Drink review, Rockstar 2X 12 oz review, Rockstar 2X 16 oz. review, 12 ounces, 16 ounces, low carb, sugar free, diet energy drink, extra caffeine, double caffeine, discontinued

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Review for Green Dragon




The only place I’ve ever seen this is at WinCo stores.  Good news if you're looking for it and live out west, as I do, bad news if you don’t.  Kind of.


About what you'd expect for 78 cents—the name of the drink and a corresponding green dragon front and center.  Stylized red flames visible on uppermost and lowermost portions of the can.  Nothing inspired, but nothing to be especially critical of, either.


This was a drink I found…unusual.  First thing you taste is the traditional Red Bull flavor.  You think “Red Bull clone” and you keep drinking.  It’s odd, but after the first few sips, the taste… metamorphosizes.  It loses any semblance of the previous flavor and becomes something completely different.  In this case, it’s kind of lemon-like, only not so sour.  Honestly, even though it’s not unpleasant per se, the effect is kind of cheap and undesirable.


Green Dragon was another energy drink that didn’t wake me up, but it did keep me from passing out in my human anatomy lab.  It didn’t do much more than clear out the cobwebs, but that’s all I really needed.  This was another area in which I did not have very high expectations—I’m guessing it had the typical 70-80 mg of caffeine (I could not for the life of me find a caffeine content anywhere) in that 8.4 oz. can, which usually isn’t enough to do a whole lot.  Even if by just a bit, it did exceed my expectations.


The drink actually has a longer-lasting effect than I thought it would.  I left my lab and found a nice quiet place to try and take a nap, and I just couldn’t get myself to sleep.  It wasn’t that I wasn’t tired—heaven knows I was—but I just couldn’t get deep enough to get to the point of actual sleep.


Well, it’s not terrible, I can say that much.  It’s not the great by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s not really that bad.  6/10 is not what I consider to be a passing grade, but if you’d like to try it, go ahead.  For 78 cents, it’s one of those “what-do-you-have-to-lose” situations.

WEBSITE: Not found

KEYWORDS: Green Dragon Energy Drink review, unknown caffeine content, Red Bull clone, traditional energy drink flavor

Review for Rockstar Pink


120 mg


This one was not easy to come by when it first came out, but now it’s just about everywhere.  Just look for the pink can.


I’m not one for pink, but I think the packaging on this one is actually kind of clever.  The can is, as the name indicates, very pink, with black logo, ingredients, and top of the can adding a nice contrast.  This works well for the most part, and the straw is an especially nice touch (I even left mine on there for display).  For the fresa in all of us….


Reading the can, I wasn't sure what to expect.  There are some seriously odd ingredients in this drink—purple sweet potato juice extract, black carrot juice concentrate, red cabbage juice concentrate…makes for an interesting read.  The flavor’s not that bad; I actually liked it—kind of berry-ish.  I do knock points off for being kind of watery and having the artificial sweetener aftertaste, but it was otherwise not that unpleasant.


Rockstar Pink contains less caffeine and fewer energy-promoting ingredients than others the company puts out, so it should not come as a surprise that the kick was not stellar.  It was there, I felt it, but that’s all there was to it.


I observed an effect in Rockstar Pink similar to one that I observed in Amp Energy—Overdrive, though perhaps a bit more muted.  The initial, more intense part of the kick wore off as quickly as it came; there wasn’t a whole lot to it.  And yet, a couple hours later, I was lying in bed, tired and trying to get to sleep, but my mind wouldn’t stop working.  I was exhausted, but couldn’t sleep.  Not the most pleasant kind of awake, but if that’s what you need, I suppose you could count Rockstar Pink as a viable option.


Rockstar Pink doesn’t pack much of a punch, but it at least gets the job done to some degree, which is more than some drinks can say.  If you’re an individual such as myself, who betimes needs a serious kick to get you or keep you going, then Rockstar Pink wouldn’t be my first recommendation, though I imagine it will work wonders for those of the drink’s target demographic.


KEYWORDS: Rockstar Pink Energy Drink review, purple sweet potato, black carrot, red cabbage

Review for Monster Energy--M-80


160 mg


Monster Energy—M-80 is sold more or less everywhere that they sell the original.  Not hard to acquire.


Like the other juice-inspired/containing Monster Energy products (Monster Energy—Khaos and Monster Energy—MIXXD), this drink features the bolted sheet metal motif, with the Monster M in an almost radioactive yellow color.  I really like this design with the yellow; it has a cool sort of industrial look to it that the other two juice-oriented Monster Energy beverages do not.


This drink tastes a lot like a non-carbonated Rockstar (the non-carbonation being explained by the fact that it is, per the namesake, 80% juice…M for Monster, 80 for 80% juice…you get it), and seeing as I love Rockstar, you can probably imagine that I loved this drink (so that you don't get any wrong impressions…this drink is different enough from Rockstar that it stands alone as a distinct beverage, and is not to be esteemed as a Rockstar rip-off).  A delicious and refreshing tropical fruit juice flavored drink, this is definitely one of the better-tasting beverages Monster Energy has put out.


The kick is similar to the original Monster Energy if a bit more noticeable—in other words, not too shabby.  Not enough to get me jittery, but enough to keep me up and working without any troubles, so the end result is to be considered more than acceptable.


The staying power of the drink is decent, and sufficiently reliable.  Drank it before helping my sister-in-law and husband move into their new apartment, and I didn’t feel any sort of fatigue before the job was done, some 2½, 3 hours later.


Though there are other beverages out there that are plenty more powerful than this one, I loved the taste of this drink, and I was not let down by the kick, so I have no reservations against recommending it for your day-to-day energy-requiring situation.  It doesn’t taste like the rest of the Monster Energy line (!), so it’s perfect if you’re looking for something different from their usual but esteem yourself a bit of a Monster Energy loyalist.

KEYWORDS: Monster M-80 Energy Drink review, tropical fruit, apple juice, passion fruit juice, pineapple juice, 80% juice

Review for Monster Energy--MIXXD


160 mg/16 oz. can
240 mg/24 oz. can


I recall seeing Monster Energy—MIXXD in a lot more places than I actually found it in.  Getting a hold of it was a little bit harder than the rest; it seems that about the time I started looking for it a lot of the stores stopped carrying it.  At least that’s what I think might have happened.  I don’t know—maybe I just never paid attention until I started looking.  Point is, it’s not as easy to find as the rest, but I still didn’t have to go too out of my way to get my hands on it.


The packaging is cool—sheet metal background with the familiar Monster M logo front and center in purple.  And, as I have mentioned in other reviews, purple seems to have a way of making everything associated with it look snazzy, and Monster Energy—MIXXD is no exception.

16 OZ. CAN


The taste actually woke me up a lot quicker than the caffeine did.  After the first sip, I wasn’t exactly sure what to think—it’s got an exceptionally thick grape flavor, and it’s really, really in-your-face intense—perhaps best way to describe it is “nuclear grape beverage.”  This will not do it for some people; I myself had to take it down one small swig at a time to make it.  Reading the back of the can, the description makes reference to the Monster’s inspiration for the drink, a fruit juice/liquor hybrid (or class of hybrids) known colloquially as jungle juice (don’t laugh, but that’s a term I had to look up—I never drank).  Knowing this kind of made sense of the taste, which in spite of the almost overwhelming intensity, has a certain homemade, homogenized charm to it that I actually found appealing.  In short, it’s most definitely an acquired taste, and one you may have to work to acquire, but having drunk it and warred with myself over how I feel about it I can say that I do like it.


The effectiveness of Monster Energy’s products has always been kind of hit-and-miss with me.  The original Monster Energy wasn’t bad, if not exactly the “meanest energy supplement on the planet,” as it claimed.  Monster Energy—Assault and Monster Energy—Import were both pretty potent, while Monster Energy—DUB Edition and Monster Energy—Khaos were both kind of anemic.  Monster Energy—MIXXD was actually one of the better ones, far above the Monster Energy average—didn’t waste any time getting started, and once it got me going, it didn’t disappoint, bringing about a significant state of alertness and considerable jitters.


The initial high-intensity buzz didn’t last as long as some I’ve had, but even still, there remained in its place a significant boost that did not relent for quite a while after the fact.  It lasts about as long as one can realistically need, and then some.


Up until this point, I’ve been pretty unimpressed with the Monster Energy line as a whole.  After Monster Energy—MIXXD, my mind is open again.  I’ve still got Monster Energy—M-80 and both Anti-Gravity and Killer-B of the Monster Nitrous line to go, but even if Monster Energy doesn’t strike back and blow me away with any of those three, it’s still got Monster Energy-MIXXD to speak for it, and that’s still saying something.

24 OZ. CAN


My past experience with the 16 oz. MIXXD told me that I could expect a wallop out of their 24 oz. can, and that’s what I got—a bolder, more intense kick that blew my fatigue out of the water and had me going full throttle.


At least amongst its Monster peers, the longevity of the kick supplied by the 24 oz. MIXXD has few equals.  At least 4½, 5 hours of useful energy can be anticipated.


Monster Energy—MIXXD’s 24 oz. can is certainly powerful, though I have to say it is not so much more powerful than the 16 oz. can that I would go out of my way to find the bigger can, which I found a lot harder to track down than its younger brother.  If you love MIXXD, have the 24 oz. can readily available, don’t mind paying the extra coin or getting the extra calories, I say go for it.  Otherwise, just stick with 16 ounces.

UPDATE: As of November 2012, Monster Energy—MIXXD has been discontinued.

KEYWORDS: Monster MIXXD Energy Drink review, MIXXD 16 oz. can review, MIXXD 24 oz. can review, grape, apple, 30% juice