Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Review for Monster Rehab--Lemonade


170 mg/16 oz. can
244 mg/24 oz. can


Monster was pretty aggressive about getting this one out there, and consequentially you can find it just about anywhere.


I have mixed feelings about the Monster Energy Company as a whole, but you can’t deny they know how to package a drink, and that goes more especially for the more recent ones.  Monster Rehab—Lemonade is an excellent example—the chaotic yellow background behind the black Monster M is a winning combination that commands the attention of any energy drink seeker, and even having been out a while, the look never gets old—it always catches my eye as though something brand new.


I’m guessing that the Rehab line is meant to be competition to Rockstar’s Recovery line—all the stuff about hydration and reviving and what not being things that they share in common.  But anyway, as far as flavor is concerned, Rehab—Lemonade has got its Rockstar Recovery competitor beat—no contest.  While Rockstar Recovery—Lemonade isn’t much more than a caffeinated Crystal Lite, Monster Rehab—Lemonade boasts a much more convincing and somewhat muted lemonade flavor.  The one complaint I had after drinking the 16 oz. can was the faint sucralose flavor—while I don’t find the stuff bothersome as a general rule, it seemed so out of place I couldn’t help but find it distracting.  Then I went through the others of the Rehab line, and came back to review the 23 oz. can, and lo!  I couldn’t detect the sucralose—there was only refreshing lemonade awesomeness.

16 OZ. CAN


Experiencing the effects for the first time, I have to say that Monster did well with the Rehab blend—I took this can down after a day of having a cold, and it perked me right up.  I wasn’t so much jittery as I was just very, very awake and much chattier than usual.  If you’re feeling beat and need something to perk you up, this is definitively the way to go.


The 16 oz. can kept me going long enough to make it through last few hours of the day—dinner, cleaning up around the house, helping my wife tend the son, etc.  I wouldn’t drink it right before bed, but if you’ve got about 4 hours between the time you get home beat and the time you go to bed, this will do just fine.


I have to say I approve of the 16 oz. Rehab—Lemonade.  Monster did a very good job with the flavor, and the kick is commendable, but more than anything, I appreciate how well it fills its niche as a recovery drink and gets you back in the game after said game’s chewed you up and spat you out.  That said, I’m certain that it is useful for a wide array of other energy-requiring situations, but I recommend it be used mostly for its express rehab purposes, and that it (or other Rehab drink) be selected for such before any other drink.

24 OZ. CAN


I found the 23 oz. Rehab—Lemonade to be way more potent than the 16 oz. can.  I took a while taking it down, just because I enjoyed it so much, and it wasn’t long after I’d finished that I was experiencing smooth, full-blown caffeine buzz.  It was nice, though, because while it was particularly intense, it wasn’t so hardcore as to be overwhelming—all I can really say is that it was just a great point of energy to be at.


I got five hours of high-functioning efficacy out of the 23 oz. Rehab—Lemonade before I was ready to sit down and have a decent rest—need I say more?


Well, if you’re going to go the Monster Rehab—Lemonade route, go for the 23 oz. can.   While I have nothing but good to say about the 16 oz. can, the 23 oz. can just delivers more of it—and while more isn’t necessarily better, in the case of Rehab—Lemonade, it most definitely is.

KEYWORDS: Monster Rehab Lemonade energy drink review, Monster Rehab Lemonade 16 oz. review, Monster Rehab Lemonade 23 oz. review, non-carbonated, refresh, rehydrate, revive, 16 ounces, 23 ounces

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Review for Monster Rehab--Green Tea


170 mg


Not as common as Rehab—Lemonade, but still readily available to interested parties.


Rehab—Green Tea has the same motif as all of the Rehab line, except—hope you’re seated—it employs green in its background to set it apart from the rest.  I deem this getup to be as effective as any of ‘em.


The flavor is hard to place—it is earthy, with a convincing fruity flavor that I actually quite enjoyed.  I’ve read a couple of reviews that say pineapple (thanks edjunkie and caffeineking101), and it does contain both pineapple and apple juices, but I didn’t really detect either flavor—just that ambiguous fruitiness.  Regardless, it’s a thoroughly refreshing and enjoyable taste experience, and something I have no reservations against recommending.


The effects hit pretty quick, and when they do, it’s an enjoyable ride.  I got plenty of jitters and a nice blasting away of my early morning fatigue—what more can one ask for?


Even if most of the time spent experiencing the effects of Rehab—Green Tea was at a more muted level, I was able to remain awake and functional for quite a while.  The first four hours of my workday were pretty easy to deal with, and even once the effects were no longer tangible, I didn’t feel in the least like I’d crashed.


Monster’s brought forth another winner with Monster Rehab—Green Tea; as with the others, it’s a superb drink for its prescribed purposes.  This has the benefit of being one of the better tasting ones, and it’s something I’ll be sure to employ again in the future.  My advice to those who haven’t tried it is to do so, and to those who have I say keep drinking!

KEYWORDS: Monster Rehab Green Tea energy drink review, non-carbonated, refresh, rehydrate, restore, 10 calories per serving, 20 calories per can

Review for Monster Rehab--Rojo Tea


170 mg


Like all of the more recent additions to the Monster Rehab line, Rojo Tea is harder to find than the original Lemonade flavor, but still not difficult to come by; one only need look around a bit.


There’s really not a big difference between the packaging in different drinks of the Rehab line.  Black Monster M, chaotic background of some sort, unique color scheme.  This makes it really hard for me to say anything other than, “HEY!  Rehab—Rojo Tea looks almost identical to the other Rehab drinks, except it’s red!  And the red’s really cool!”  So there you have it.  The most unique thing about Rojo Tea’s look is the color scheme, but given how tight the Rehab schematic is, I am perfectly alright with it.


Here’s where I get enthusiastic, because Monster Rehab—Rojo Tea is hands down the most refreshing energy drink I’ve ever had.  The taste isn’t all that complex, but it’s a little bit hard to describe…it reminds me a bit of hibiscus tea in that it’s tart, earthy, and somewhat fruity, except there’s no hibiscus tea in it, so I’m attributing the flavor to the rooibos tea and the cranberry, and perhaps the goji berry extract.  In any case it is a supremely delicious drink, and ought to be a first pick in the event that one finds themselves feeling 1) lacking in energy, and 2) particularly thirsty.  I’ve always been skeptical about the idea of a hydrating energy drink, given caffeine’s nature as a diuretic, but after tasting this…my mind is at least open to the possibility.


I didn’t find myself quite as wired with this one as I did with Protean, but it was still a pretty effective drink, enough to get me significantly awake and noticeably jittery.


One thing that Rojo Tea did have in common with Protean was the tapering off into a less remarkable kick that lasted for most of the time I was experiencing the effects, but it still worked well enough that I could go about the first four hours of my workday without too much difficulty.


Monster Rehab—Rojo Tea is second to none as a restorative energy drink.  However, it’s also got the kick to speak for it—it effectively energizes but does not go overboard, and in doing this refrains from overwhelming of the drinker.  In any case, it fits extraordinarily well into its projected niche, and should be a first choice for consumers seeking for a drink that will abide by its claims to “refresh, rehydrate, and restore.”

KEYWORDS: Monster Rehab Rojo Tea energy drink review, non-carbonated, refresh, rehydrate, restore

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Review for Monster Rehab--Protean


170 mg


Not as common as Monster Rehab—Lemonade, but it still shouldn’t be too difficult to track down; chances are someone has it somewhere near where you live.


Whatever your feelings on Monster, you can’t deny they make a mean-looking can—the Monster M looks awesome in black, and the pale blues/whites contribute to the look very nicely—the colors actually look very appropriate for something containing protein.  Only problem I have with the packaging is that at first glance, it may be mistaken for Absolutely Zero—that’s what happened to me, but then again, I was looking through a foggy glass refrigerator door, so that might actually not be as big a problem as one would think.


Monster Rehab—Protean is…very interesting.  It has a somewhat fruity flavor from some fruit I can’t really place but did like, and then it’s got a very powdery texture I’m attributing to the protein (hey, get this…“protean” is actually a word!).  It’s mostly for this texture that the drink actually kind of turned me off a bit; the protein kept forming kind of a thin film of a mucilage-like substance towards the back of my tongue, which I kept having to get off.  I was drinking the drink slowly, though, so maybe that had something to do with it.  At any rate, it didn’t bother me all that much, but I can see how it would really turn some people off.


You know, this drink strikes me as a breakfast drink.  Maybe it’s the fruity, yogurt-like flavor.  Maybe it’s the fact that I drank it on an empty stomach and I found the result satisfying in the filling sense.  Maybe it’s the fact that from this drinking on an empty stomach in the morning, I’m getting the impression that this is a “get-going”-style drink, even though it’s listed as more of a recovery sort of drink to be taken after intense physical activity.  At any rate, I’m writing this section at the height of the drink’s effects, and I’m pretty wired.  This is a drink that hits fast and hits hard, and is the sort of drink you want to have to set the pace for the day.


The peak of efficacy lasted about an hour, and from there the intensity tapered off sharply—rather than wired I was simply awake and alert with only a small amount of residual fatigue nagging at me.  In this the majority of time spent awake was relatively unremarkable, but I still maintained a degree of functionality for about four hours or so after I first drank it.


While I like a drink that packs its heavier punch for a little longer, Monster Rehab—Protean is still a useful beverage, and, as I mentioned, good for a morning pick-me-up.  As for the taste, it’s going to be one of those things that you either like or hate, so approach accordingly.

KEYWORDS: Monster Rehab Protean Review, 15 g protein, non-carbonated, refresh, rehydrate, restore

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Review for Tango Energy Juice


Rumba Energy Juice has 170 mg, so I believe that the same is true for Tango.


This is another drink I found at a grocery outlet—these are actually good places to hunt, if you’re looking to try drinks nobody’s talking about and write reviews that aren’t frequently read (at least compared to my Rockstar and Monster Energy reviews).  Anyway, it’s scarce stuff, so plan on looking for a while if your heart is really set on it.


To get this out of the way: I like the blue/purple combination.  I am not wild about the execution.  My biggest issue is the fact that it really doesn’t look like an energy drink—it looks almost like something you’d buy your kid to pack in his lunch and think you’re doing something good for him because it says “100% juice”.  I don’t feel insecure drinking such, but it does bother me that it could be so easily mistaken for a beverage for a much younger crowd if one is not careful (being a parent, I’m a little nervous about these things—sue me).


I’m guessing that this is supposed to be something grape-esque, and to a degree it is—but mostly, this tastes like apple juice (which seems to be a popular filler in most juice energy drinks) with Triaminic.  For being 100% juice, it doesn’t taste very convincing, and it’s far too sweet for my adult palate.


This drink irks me when it comes to intensity, because—not to be vulgar, but it’s sort of a cocktease sort of thing.  I hadn’t gone through half of the 16 oz. can before I was buzzing—about an 8 out of 10, and I was thinking, “FRICK!  This is going to be AWESOME!”  Anyway, that lasted only about 15 minutes, and then it was about a 7 out of 10, which lasted longer.  But getting me set up for more than making me settle for less…not cool.


Longevity was average—about 3 hours or so.  It did its job for the time being, but it was easy to get to bed when the time came.


I paid 25 cents for this drink, so I can’t really rage about the experience, but it one of the more lackluster drinks I’ve had.  If you can get it for 25 cents like I did, I suppose you could give it a shot, but otherwise just bypass it.

KEYWORDS: Tango Energy Juice review, Tango energy drink review, 100% juice, apple, grape

Review for Jamba Blueberry Pomegranate


80 mg


Jamba Blueberry Pomegranate is plentiful as long as you live in a place where there’s a Jamba Juice nearby.  They are easy to find around here, but elsewhere…can’t really vouch for elsewhere.


This is about what you’d expect from an all-natural drink from Jamba—stock images of fruits and a pleasant light green.  It makes me want to go get a Jamba Juice more than anything else, really.


My feelings on Jamba Blueberry Pomegranate were more mixed than negative, as they were with the other two flavors.  I don’t really taste the stevia in it per se, but there is an excessive sweetness that kind of messes with the blueberry pomegranate experience, which is more intense flavorwise than the others and really isn’t all that bad.


This drink, I will confess, caught me off guard—with the exception of the addition of green tea extract, Jamba Blueberry Pomegranate is no different from the others in terms of energy ingredients (I think…), but I didn’t expect it to hit like it did.  It was a mere 10 minutes or so before I was buzzing around my apartment and recognized what I was experiencing as honest-to-goodness jitters—that’s just weird for a drink with a caffeine content this low, but that’s the way it panned out.


Jamba Blueberry Pomegranate actually had a pretty decent staying power—3½ hours or so of efficacy before the end arrived without a crash.


The flavor isn’t my cup of Jamba, but this is as much as I’ve gotten out of so little caffeine.   If only for that, I’d say give it a shot.

KEYWORDS: Jamba Juice Energy Drink review, Jamba Blueberry Pomegranate Energy Drink review, Jamba Energy Drink review, all-natural energy drink, Nestle, stevia, Stevia rebaudina

Review for Rockstar Zero Carb


240 mg/16 oz. can
360 mg/24 oz. can


Rockstar Zero Carb is just about as omnipresent as the original, with perhaps a few exceptions to that rule.  If you aren’t able to track it down, I’d guess you’re at one of those middle-of-nowhere gas stations attended by a middle-aged man in faded overalls named Buford that sells only the original Rockstar and the entire Knockout Energy line.  Maybe Monster also.


Rockstar Zero Carb’s presentation has intrigued me for a very long time—in the past, I haven’t been wowed with the diamond metal motif present on Rockstar Punched—Citrus and the old-school Rockstar Juiced—Pomegranate, but on the blue it’s just freaking awesome.  That plus the silver of the Rockstar logo and the black/silver lettering makes for a dang nice-looking energy drink.


Rockstar Zero Carb is, in my opinion, one of the best-tasting energy drinks on the market.  I’m relatively new to the low/zero-carb energy drink scene, so I imagined that I was going to be dealing with something similar to the original.  It was a surprise, then, when I got a very clean berry smell when I popped open the can.  Intrigued, I took a sip, and got a surprisingly simple blend of raspberry, a hint of sucralose, and seltzer water.  It reminded me of a high-end raspberry ginger ale I used to drink when I lived out in Connecticut, and got me enthused about the taste in a way that I have not been in a very long time.  If only for the taste I would come back for more, but wait until you hear how it worked….

16 OZ. CAN


Rockstar did some tweaking with the energy blend when they came up with Zero Carb, and the result is one of the best kicks I’ve gotten out of an energy drink—kind of a textbook definition of the phenomenon, if you will.  It wakes you up to the same degree a 55 gallon drum of water over your head wakes you up, but with a much more agreeable effect—you are awake, you are jittery, and you are ready to blow up mountains with a pelvic thrust.  And this is only the 16 oz. can I’m talking about….


I imagine that there was some influence from Zero Carb when Rockstar designed Xdurance, because they are similar in the way they keep you going, and going, and going…I kept going for about 5½ hours before I was finally able to sleep.  Also, there was no crash.  That’s awesome.


I’m getting jittery just thinking about the 16 oz. Rockstar Zero Carb.  Or maybe that’s just me getting excited that I was able to review an energy drink that embodies the term so well.  The taste is next to impossible to beat, and the kick is one of the best out there.  In all honesty, there is no reason for you not to get up from your computer and buy this drink.

24 OZ. CAN


And now, we go on to the 24 oz. Rockstar Zero Carb with it’s whopping 360 mg of caffeine.  How intense is the 24 oz. Zero Carb?  Enough that I had to rethink my ratings system and come up with an additional rating to accommodate it.  See, a number of drinks I’ve had are exceptionally intense—the original Rockstar, Rockstar Xdurance, NOS—Loaded Cherry, etc.  But I’ve only had a few drinks that really take things into overdrive the way the 24 oz. Zero Carb does.  It’s right on that point where if it were to go much further, you’d wind up with a drink like Spike, which is just painful to go through with it’s raw, unrestrained intensity.  Thankfully, the 24 oz. Zero Carb doesn’t hurt, but it’s about as balls-to-the-wall as you can get without hurting yourself.  Imbibe, but imbibe with respect.  Maybe stick with 16 ounces if that works well enough for you.


This is where I would call Rockstar Zero Carb “ridiculous” if I didn’t enjoy it so dang much.  I drank the 24 oz. can at about 10:00 A.M., and by 3:00 P.M. I was still fully wired.  It took about three more hours after that for me to settle down back to normal.  Again—this is not over-the-top, but it has a staying power that no drink I’ve had before has aside from Spike, which, as I indicated in its review, was just overkill.


Did I love the 24 oz. Rockstar Zero Carb?  Heck, yeah.  Do I recommend it be treated with respect?  Of course.  This is a very powerful drink, and should be treated as such.  It might be best if you stick with the 16 oz. can if you are particularly sensitive to caffeine.  I almost can’t get enough of this stuff, though, so I finish this review by saying that Rockstar Zero Carb is one of those rare, second-to-none kind of experiences.  Anyway, if you’re reading this, you’ve either 1) kept my advice and left the computer to buy a Rockstar Zero Carb, in which case I commend you and wish you happy buzzing, or 2) kept reading, in which case…that’s okay. But now you can go get a Rockstar Zero Carb.


KEYWORDS: Rockstar Zero Carb energy drink review, Rockstar Zero Carb review, Rockstar Zero Carb 16 oz. review, Rockstar Zero Carb 24 oz. review, 16 ounces, 24 ounces, zero carbs, zero calories, zero sugar, wild berry, raspberry

Review for Red Bull Sugar Free


80 mg/8.4 oz. can
114 mg/12 oz. can
154 mg/16 oz. can
190 mg/20 oz. can


Red Bull is easily the most popular energy drink in the world, and given this fact one may expect to be able to find Red Bull Sugar Free everywhere, and in staggering abundance.


Sugar Free comes garbed in the same motif as the original, the only exception being the replacement of the original blue with a lighter blue.  It looks alright, though it makes me nervous about the flavor in the same way Amp Sugar Free and NOS Sugar Free do.


Red Bull Sugar Free is not blessed with exceptional sweetening.  Initially, the flavor is more-or-less identical to the original—very muted and evenly balanced between sweet and sour—but when the bitterness hits, it seems compounded by the acrid aftertastes of the sweeteners and is not an especially enjoyable experience.  This diminishes to one extent as one continues to drink them, but it’s still not something I’d be keen on drinking again.

8.4 OZ. CAN


Kick is mild, but appreciable.  It’s the kind of thing I’d use for a mild pick-me-up, but not for a long drive or an evening of studying.


Also very moderate in nature; this drink is by-and-large for a short-term boost rather than powering one for the long haul.


Modest boost, low calories…if this is what you’re looking for and you don’t mind the subpar flavor, then the 8.4 oz. Red Bull Sugar Free might be your drink.

12 OZ. CAN


While the 8.4 oz. can was of a more moderate intensity, the 12 oz. can delivers a kick that is average but effective, manifest mostly as a small degree of jitters and a very noticeable degree of alertness.


I was able to get a few hours of efficacy out of the 12 oz. Red Bull Sugar Free before I hit a wall and had to take a nap.  Not much more to say than that.


So if you haven’t been able to tell already, I’m not much more enthused about the 12 oz. Red Bull Sugar Free than I am the 8.4 oz. size—I’m having a really hard time finding the words needed to elaborate on what I experienced, but I honestly think it’s because there’s not much to elaborate on.  It’s a drink of average intensity with a less-than-average flavor.  What more is there to say?

16 OZ. CAN


It’s about this point I started being able to at least enjoy the kick a bit.  No, I’m not saying it was spectacular—as I indicated in my review of the original Red Bull, this size is only somewhat more intense than the 12 oz. size, and I’m honestly not terribly wild about it—only that we were inching our way past the point of being “average” and beginning to venture into territory that I could appreciate.


Not much different from the 12 oz. can, but enough that I could notice a difference and was able to function a little longer.


There’s not much of a difference between 16 ounces of Red Bull Sugar Free and 12 ounces, but enough that I’m a little happier as I write the review for it.  You’ll be a little more awake for a little longer, but sometimes that’s all that’s needed.

20 OZ. CAN


At this point, you’re getting enough caffeine out of the Red Bull blend to get you really awake and jittery—the kind most people have come to expect out of an energy drink.  It’s true that more is not necessarily better, but in the case of Red Bull Sugar Free (at least in the caffeine department), I think it is.


Kind of in the same way it’s the only particularly intense size of Red Bull Sugar Free, the 20 oz. can is the only one I’d trust during anything particularly long and grueling; while I appreciate this utility, I 1) don’t particularly appreciate that I have to drink this much of a drink I’m not terribly fond of to get that, and 2) am not wild about the price I need to pay to get this big a can.


FINALLY…I am done reviewing Red Bull Sugar Free, and I have to say…Red Bull Sugar Free in general bugs me.  Most of the drinks are very underpowered, especially for the price, and even when you get to the 20 oz. can, you’re still drinking a lot of a drink that’s not especially good.  My conclusion: there are stronger, better-tasting, and far less expensive energy drinks that one can imbibe and still feel good about their caloric intake.  Red Bull Sugar Free is completely unnecessary, and something that I will avoid altogether in the future.  My advice for you is to do the same.


KEYWORDS: Red Bull Sugar Free energy drink review, traditional energy drink flavor, Red Bull Sugar Free 8.4 oz. review, Red Bull Sugar Free 12 oz. review, Red Bull Sugar Free 16 oz. review, Red Bull Sugar Free 20 oz. review, 8.4 ounces, 12 ounces, 16 ounces, 20 ounces

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Review for Rockstar Coconut Water


160 mg


Rockstar Coconut Water is an emerging product, so at the moment it is quite uncommon.  I do anticipate that this will soon change to an extreme degree, and in the not-too-distant future we’ll have a hard time not finding it.


Rockstar very nearly nails it with Coconut Water’s packaging.  Problem is the shades of blue/blue-green employed—these are colors you have to be careful with; if properly used they have a tropical appearance, but even if you’re a hair off the look is very dated.  The latter is the case here—while not offensive, the look is more 50’s/60’s-ish than tropical.


I don’t have a problem with the taste here—really.  I like the taste of coconut, and I like most coconut products.  For some reason that I don’t completely understand, my stomach feels otherwise—something about this drink just doesn’t sit right down there.  So how do I review this—do I review it based on the fact that I like the taste, or that I had to take it down a sip at a time to keep myself from getting sick?  As an aside, the drink has stevia in it, but I didn’t taste it.  You’d be reading about it if I had.


It took a minute for Rockstar Coconut to start working (probably because it took me so long to get it down), but once it was, I was singularly alert and moderately jittery.  It was a good place to be at, and made functioning all the easier.


Rockstar Coconut Water maintained its optimal effects for about 3½ hours, at which point it began to taper off without a crash.


Rockstar Coconut Water has that classic, high-octane Rockstar kick that I’ve come to know and love, for which it earns approval in my book.  As for the flavor…well, this is very much a niche drink aimed at a specific target market, so you’re either going to love it or hate it.  If you like coconut-flavored, I think it’s safe to say you’ll like Rockstar Coconut Water.  If you hate ‘em…well, might be best if you just passed this one over.  Whatever you do, remember you saw it first reviewed here at The Energy Blog.


UPDATE: I'm surprised to note that Rockstar Coconut Water's run didn't even last a year—it's already been discontinued.  If you liked it, buy up whatever supply you can while it lasts.

KEYWORDS: Rockstar Coconut Water energy drink review, Rockstar Coconut Water review, energy + hydration, electrolytes, stevia, Stevia rebaudina

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Review for Bing


120 mg


I’ve only seen Bing once in my combing different states, and that was at a grocery store in Utah.  However common it may be elsewhere, it’s dang near impossible to come by here, and I hope to see it around more often in the future.


Bing doesn’t really do that great a job with the look—sure, it’s passable (dark red and black are always a winning color combination), but at the same time, it doesn’t really scream the fact that it’s an energy drink to you, and it’s easy to overlook when you are seeking such—which you don’t want to do.  Keep reading….


Bing is a rare sort of energy drink, the kind you want to just sip and savor for as long as you can and get every last drop out of.  At first the cherry taste is a bit intense, but it mellows out, and soon you find yourself enjoying an authentic-tasting, smooth, balanced, perfectly (lightly) carbonated and wholly delicious bing cherry beverage.  12 ounces is not nearly enough.  Take it from me.


I enjoyed the taste of Bing so much that for a while I forgot about the fact that I was drinking an energy drink.  I was soon reminded—for a caffeine content that is lower-than-average, you get a pretty good kick out of Bing, enough to really wake you up and feel just jittery enough to be able to really enjoy the experience.


Bing’s staying power wasn’t too shabby, either.  I was functionally awake for about 3½ hours, after which there was only a slight crash to deal with—not bad at all.


This is one of those “you’ve-got-to-try-this” sort of drinks—I’ve liked cherry drinks before, but none quite like this, and it possesses quite a kick considering the low-ish caffeine content.  The link below will take you to the website.  I encourage you to buy a case.  Or two.  More if you can.


KEYWORDS: Bing energy drink review, black bing cherries, low calorie, 40 calories per can, 5% juice