Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Review for Rockstar Energy Cola


160 mg


Rockstar Energy Cola is available, though not so much as a great deal of the products they offer.  Still, it can’t be said that it’s difficult to track down, but you’ll still have to look a bit.


Although the same format as the original is used on their energy cola, certain changes have been made that make a world of difference for the better.  A blacker, more convincing gold color is used for the logo and as an accent throughout, only highlighting the key points of the design over the new black background, which has a smooth satin look and feel to it.  Silver lettering and outlining is used elsewhere with exceptional results.  There’s no other way to put this—the thing looks sexy.  It’s the kind of stuff you’d expect to pick up at a nice party or somewhere like that, somewhere where they spare no expense in offering the best of what they’ve got.


By and large, I’m not a real cola guy, but if more tasted like Rockstar Energy Cola, I definitely would be.  Where most colas taste either like a cheap Coke rip-off or like Robitussin, Rockstar Energy Cola delivers a fresh, crisp, exceptionally clean taste that I had no troubles downing in a jiffy.


The kick is blessedly similar, even identical, to the original—hits fast and hard.  You get about as much as you could ask for in an energy drink, and then some.


Again, like the original, the kick stays with you.  I drank it at about 6:00 P.M., and even once 11:30 P.M. rolled, I was lying in bed and unable to get myself to fall asleep.  I love this sort of staying power in an energy drink, but I’d definitely advise drinking it earlier in the day to avoid the sleeplessness.


Well, once again, Rockstar has exceeded just about any expectation that could be made and produced a drink that positively kicks butt.  It is every bit equal to the original in terms of the kick, and has a taste of it’s own that demands other drinks in its class to step up to the plate and just try to match it.  As Monster Energy—Import sets a new standard for the traditional energy drink flavor, Rockstar Energy Cola has set a new standard for the cola taste, one which others will be hard-pressed to match.


KEYWORDS: Rockstar Energy Cola Energy Drink review, double size, double strength, party like a Rockstar

Review for Rockstar


160 mg/16 oz. can
240 mg/24 oz. can


Like most every other major energy drink brand, Rockstar is found everywhere energy drinks are sold, and in many places where they’re ordinarily not.


Rockstar’s look is pretty simple—angled gold star containing Rockstar logo with red/gold lettering over a black background.  It's not quite enough to attain the status of a cultural icon, but in it’s own way, it does work.


I admit that the taste for this stuff may be one that one must acquire, but let me say that I FREAKING LOVE IT.  In trying to nail it down, I would guess that pineapple is the primary inspiration, since every time I pass my wife’s Pineapple Cilantro scented candle (visit if curious), my heart skips a beat and my mind screams “ROCKSTAR!

16 oz. can


The 16 oz. Rockstar was one of my first energy drinks, and the level of energy I experienced is not something I’m likely to forget.  That thing had me more wired than I had ever been up to that point, and has been a gauge by which I’ve measured other energy drinks since.  For being such a mainstream drink, this stuff really means business—ten minutes hadn’t past after drinking it that I was vibrating and chatting my head off.


It took Rockstar hours before it even thought of letting down.  The initial high-intensity peak lasted a good 2 hours, and I was still fairly awake for about 3 hours even after that.


Getting right to the point, Rockstar rocks.  It tastes fantastic, delivers a strong, unrelenting kick, and, as an added bonus, you’ll always be able to find it.  Of the major players in the energy drink field, this is the only one I've had so far that really earns its place front and center.  It set a standard in my mind, and is now the drink against which I try and measure all others.

24 oz. can


So you don’t get the wrong idea, let me say right away that the 24 oz. can of Rockstar is stronger than the smaller 16 oz. can—it just isn’t enough to earn the coveted 10+ that Rockstar Zero Carb attained.  Take the effects of the original and amplify them to a degree, and you more or less have an idea of what it was like.


Again—no real difference in the number rating from the 16 oz. can, but the 24 oz. Rockstar does deliver a longer boost—6 hours to the 16 oz. can’s 5.


Bottom line: both sizes of Rockstar are very effective.  If you like Rockstar a lot (as I do), go for the 24 oz. can.  Both will do the job very well; you just get more of everything with the big can. 

As a final note, if anybody knows where I can get a 32 oz. can, let me know.  I remember that they were out for a while, then suddenly they vanished from everywhere that carried them.  I’d love to give one a review, just can’t freaking find it….


KEYWORDS: Rockstar Energy Drink review, Rockstar 16 oz. review, Rockstar 24 oz. review, pineapple, double energy, double size, triple size, triple strength, party like a Rockstar, 16 ounces, 24 ounces

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Review for Red Bull


80 mg/8.4 oz. can
114 mg/12 oz. can
154 mg/16 oz. can
190 mg/20 oz. can


Red Bull is freaking everywhere; what’s more is that places that carry it tend to carry entire refrigerators full of the stuff.  So confident I am in its ease of acquisition that it wouldn’t surprise me to see it watching one of those postapocalyptic films, such as Mad Max or Escape from New York.


For being so simple, the Red Bull motif still says quite a lot—the contrasting silver and blue, and the two red bulls charging each other with yellow sphere (sun?) in the background work to create an quiet confidence appropriate for the drink that virtually everyone tries to duplicate nowadays.


As I’ve evaluated the different sizes of Red Bull, I’ve warred with myself over how I feel about the taste.  On one hand, the drink has a very pronounced bitter, medicinal aftertaste that always seemed to turn me off.  On the other hand, notwithstanding how many drinks derive or duplicate the flavor, nothing quite matches the Red Bull flavor in terms of the subtle balance between the flavors—I had the 20 oz. version on ice, which I hadn’t done with the other colors, and that made a world of difference in making the bitterness more manageable and the flavor more pronounced—it’s honestly something I’d do a second time, or third or fourth—it was really that good.  In the end, though, I have decided to settle with my original evaluation of 7 out of 10.  If you have it on ice, it is actually quite enjoyable, but if not…you sacrifice a bit in terms of the flavor experience.  As for myself, I like a little more flexibility in a drink—I would rather not have to be able to enjoy it a certain way to really enjoy it.

8.4 OZ. CAN


Notwithstanding its miniscule size, the 8.4 oz. can of Red Bull is a little livelier than one would anticipate.  While most drinks in this size do little more than clear out the cobwebs, this one actually made me feel reasonably alert.


I wasn’t anticipating anything particularly spectacular in terms of longevity, but I did get a couple of hours of decent energy out of this can—nothing too shabby.


In terms of intensity, I can’t really complain about the 8.4 oz. Red Bull’s performance—as I said, most drinks in this size (and some in greater sizes) do not manage so much as this one did.  If you just need something to give you that extra boost to get going, this product is definitely a legitimate option.

12 OZ. CAN


I found the kick dealt by the 12 oz. can to be of average intensity—it’s enough to wake you up, maybe even make you feel a bit jittery, but other than that, short of astonishing.


You’ll probably get a half hour, 45 more minutes of energy out of the 12 oz. can above the 8.4 oz. can, so you’re looking at just shy of 3 hours of energy before you’re back to being tired.


The 12 oz. Red Bull represents an average energy experience in a slightly less-than-average can size (calling 16 ounces the average), so again, if you’re looking to get a slight boost without too much caffeine, you can be assured that Red Bull has a size for you.  Or maybe two sizes.

16 OZ. CAN


I give the 16 oz. Red Bull 7.5 pints out of 10, but that’s not strictly true—I’ve just found it’s a pain to deal with half-points, and I don’t want to start doing quarter-points.  The fact of the matter is the 16 oz. version is only a hair more intense than the 12 oz. version.  You’ll feel marginally awake and more jittery, but that’s about it.


As is the case with intensity, the 16 oz. can only outperforms the 12 oz. version to a small degree, delivering perhaps a half hour more of energy.


Red Bull in 16 oz. doesn’t really venture into any new territory.  The boost in energy is negligible, so the only real difference that you’d be getting out of it is more to drink.  But, if you like it that much, why not go all the way and buy the 20 oz. can, and get a real boost?

20 OZ. CAN


Only the 20 oz. Red Bull delivered a kick that was worth making note of.  I took it down, and got pretty jittery pretty quick.  If you need a real wake-up and you want Red Bull to do the job, better go with the big can.


The 20 oz. Red Bull is long-lived to be good for just about any situation—at least 4 hours of decent energy can be anticipated before the drinker grows tired again.


Out of the four sizes, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the 20 oz. can delivers the best results.  In all honesty, it’s the only size I’d think of coming back to, in part for the admirable kick and in part for the experience of having it on ice.


There is one thing that I haven’t touched on in this review thus far, and that’s the price Red Bull goes for.  Normally I don’t bring it up in a review of any product, but I think it deserves attention.  If you know anything about energy drinks, you will know that Red Bull’s expensive—from about $2.00 for an 8.4 oz. can to a whopping $4.98 for a 20 oz. can, depending on where you look.  This is, in my opinion, excessive—far too much to be a regular thing, and especially since there are other drinks out there that deliver much more in terms of kick and for much less.  Something to keep in mind when making one’s selection.


KEYWORDS: Red Bull Energy Drink review, traditional energy drink flavor, Red Bull 8.4 oz. review, Red Bull 12 oz. review, Red Bull 16 oz. review, Red Bull 20 oz. review, 8.4 ounces, 12 ounces, 16 ounces, 20 ounces

Review for No Fear


174 mg


It may not be as common as most of the major players in the energy drink field, but No Fear can be found at just about every gas station and convenience store that you can imagine.  I am not sure that this will always be the case; I have seen been seeing this drink less and less lately.


The packaging of the drink is pretty standard as far as format—black background, hardcore winged skull, name of drink in prominent, hardcore font.  It's exceptionally formulaic to be sure, but holds up to my scrutiny well enough.  I really can't complain.


No Fear has an overwhelmingly sweet-fruity flavor, which is still more restrained than Sobe—Adrenaline Rush, but not by much.  It wasn’t initially unpleasant, but such was the overall experience that it got really old really fast.


No Fear packs a fairly weak kick—it’s there, but doesn’t do much at all, hardly bothering to offer anything beyond just perceptible.


So, as though it wasn’t enough that the drink pulled a “dead fish” bit on me, the stuff crapped out on me fairly early on—perhaps an hour, hour and a half or so after drinking it, any and all effectiveness was gone.  Not impressed, No Fear company, not at all impressed….


Given the chance, I’d say pass up No Fear and go with something that, oh, I don’t know…actually works, maybe?  Even if you are a fan of the taste, how much is that going to matter when the drink administers such a lackluster kick?  Short answer is "not much at all."  There are better, stronger energy drinks out there, as easy or easier to find than this one—no reason for you to have to settle.


KEYWORDS: No Fear Energy Drink review, super energy supplement, skull can, fruit taste

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Review for Monster Nitrous--Super Dry

NOTE:  This is my second time trying Monster Nitrous—Super Dry.  The first time I had this drink, I had a serious headache, and I felt like crap.  I took two aspirin with this drink, and the second I finished, I crashed on the bed and was asleep within the minute.  Now, I know you’re probably thinking that this product, being an energy drink, should keep that from happening, and that’s what I thought at first.  I was ready to write a review that I thought would be appropriately scathing, but when that time rolled around, I was uncomfortable.  I started to doubt whether I had given this drink an appropriate trial—I had given it all of 60 seconds to work, and had taken it at a time when I’m not sure that lighting my pants on fire would have kept me awake.  In the end, I decided that the experience was indeed a mistrial, that the drink deserved a fair chance.  Below is the review for my second time drinking Monster Nitrous—Super Dry.


160 mg


I see the Nitrous line just about everywhere, even though I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody actually buy one.  I wonder…are they so common because stocks are never depleted?  In the end, I’m not sure.  Either way, you should never have problems finding this or any other Monster Nitrous product.


The Monster Nitrous cans have a nice look to them, with a sort of anarchic appearance being the trend, as though the designers had indeed “Unleash[ed] the Beast”—the Monster M is at an angle, and the background motif is loud and chaotic.  In the case of Monster Nitrous—Super Dry, the background is a sort of light, pale green with a crackled appearance, with the aforementioned Monster M in the foreground.


The thing about the Monster Nitrous line that stands out most is the use of nitrous oxide in addition to carbon dioxide as a carbonating agent.  This difference first manifest itself when I opened the can—the gas escaped with such force that I was worried that it was about to blow up on me.  It didn’t, however, so I set to drinking it.  The taste is quite pleasant—notably fizzier than most beverages, with a mild citrus (I’m thinking lime) flavor and an exceptionally smooth texture.


Alright.  So here’s the part I was worried about—was Monster Nitrous—Super Dry really as weak as I had supposed, or was I wrong?  Turns out I was indeed wrong, though not to a significant degree.  The effect was similar to a lot of the Monster Energy beverages—it didn’t really wake me up, but it did keep me from falling asleep over my history homework.


It’s hard to tell how long this kept me going—once again, I wasn’t woken up, but I was kept from falling asleep.  Whatever the case, I would much prefer something longer lasting, and something with less of a crash at the finish—yes, you can still have a weak energy drink and still get a crash after the end of it.


Though better than I initially believed, Monster Nitrous—Super Dry is still some pretty weak sauce—not as bad as I thought it was, though I can definitely see how somebody feeling like crap and/or extremely tired would not experience any appreciable effect.  Still, I’m glad I drank it a second time, so I can say with certainty that it’s something you should probably pass over if you're looking for something serious about what it's supposed to be doing.


KEYWORDS: Monster Nitrous Super Dry Energy Drink review, nitrous oxide, extra strength nitrous technology

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Review for Monster Energy--Khaos

160 mg/16 oz. can
240 mg/24 oz. can


Even if it’s a bit less so than some of the company's other products, Monster Energy—Khaos is still pretty dang easy to come by.


This and the other two Monster Energy drinks of the juice persuasion (MIXXD and M-80) sport a bolted sheet metal design as a background, with an fluorescent orange Monster M in its usual prominent place front and center.  This doesn’t look quite as nice as the purple of Monster Energy—MIXXD or the yellow of Monster Energy—M-80, but it’s still quite aesthetically pleasing and enough and earn one’s consideration.


Okay—as tired as I get with the repetitiveness of the “Red Bull clone” phenomena, I'm typically okay with it as long as the company does a decent job with it.  However, with a drink that’s 50% by volume of a couple of different fruit juices (apple, orange, peach, tangerine, pineapple, white grape), I don’t think it’s wrong to expect something to be even just a little different.  You open up the can, and it smells exactly like the original Monster Energy.  You taste it, and whoa!  It tastes exactly like the original Monster Energy, except… I don’t know…scungy.  It’s hard to explain; there’s no real fruit taste there, just kind of a dirty aftertaste that you get after you’ve had a cheap fruit drink.


It occurred to me that Monster might have redone Khaos’ flavor after I drank the 24 oz. version.  I remember drinking the 16 oz. version very well, and I even remember having my brother taste it—he agreed with my “scungy Monster Energy” assessment.  Tasting Khaos, I swear it was a different drink—it actually tasted like tropical fruit.  Not the best tasting thing in the world, but definitely a step above the what I got out of the 16 oz. can.

16 OZ. CAN


By and large, the kick I got out of the 16 oz. can was fairly below average.  It’s still discernible, true, and sometimes that is all you need, but it’s not ideal for situations in which you need an actual jolt to keep you awake, rather than just a clearing out of the cobwebs.


Any semblance of an appreciable pick-me-up didn't last very long at all.  The feeling that I was actually being kept awake lasted about an hour and a half, and after that, it was as though I hadn't drank the dang thing to begin with.


Based on my experience with the 16 oz. Monster Energy—Khaos (remember this was the scungy Monster Energy flavor), the Monster Energy Company didn’t really care about what they were doing when we made it.  The taste was just an inferior version of the original Monster Energy, and the kick is not strong enough to be especially useful.  It’s just another product to take up space on the store shelves, and one that I would personally recommend bypassing in favor of something stronger.

24 OZ. CAN


The 24 oz. version of Khaos packs a pretty mean punch, vastly more than what I got out of 16 oz., and about as much as I’ve gotten out of a Monster Energy drink, Heavy Metal aside.


In addition to its formidable intensity, the 24 oz. Khaos possesses an admirable longevity, providing about 5 hours of energy before ending in a minor crash.


As I tasted it (the 24 oz. can was the one with the actual tropical fruit flavor) and experienced it, I vastly prefer the 24 oz. can to the 16 oz. can.  Flavor aside, the 24 oz. can outperformed the smaller size to an extreme degree, enough that it’s well worth paying the extra.

KEYWORDS: Monster Khaos Energy Drink review, Red Bull clone, traditional energy drink flavor, 50% juice, tropical fruit flavor

Review for Monster Energy--Import


186 mg


You won’t find Monster Energy—Import everywhere that the original is sold, but tracking it down isn’t by any means hard.  You should be able to find it whether you’re looking or not at one location or another.


Even though it’s not as in-your-face flashy as some (think Monster Energy—Dub Edition), the packaging for Monster Energy—Import rocks.  It’s the only energy drink I know of with a crest—in this case a stylized silver eagle and shield with the green Monster M emblazoned thereon—and this gives the can a very regal look that is unique in the energy drink world.  And I can’t help but make note of the twist-open lid that Monster Energy is so proud of—I liked the idea of being able to reseal my drink, even though I didn’t really need to (I drained the can pretty quickly).  And yes, I was able to open it with one hand—don’t feel bad if you didn’t; I’m married, so it’s expected that I should be able to.


The basic idea behind Monster Energy—Import is the same as the original, though it was pleasantly less sweet and a great deal smoother.  Taking the place of the extra sugar is a sweetener called acesulfame potassium, which may be partly to thank for the new and improved flavor.  Whatever it is, in my book, it makes a world of difference.  It is my opinion that Monster Energy—Import maximizes the potential of the traditional energy drink flavor (Red Bull clone, in layman's terms), and that every attempt to put forth a beverage with that same taste should be tried and measured using Monster Energy—Import as the standard.


I found this drink to be one of the more potent of any of the Monster Energy line I’ve had thus far.  At the peak of my energy experience, I was significantly jittery, and once that was over, it was replaced with an appreciably heightened state of awareness that lasted for quite a while after the fact.


The kick I got out of Monster Energy—Import delivered an effect that lasted about as long as any other energy drink I’ve had.  The tapering off was very gradual, and once that was over, there was no crash to speak of.  I was just fine, and was ready and able to take a nap to make up for the sleep I had lost the night before.


I am quick to say that this was not only one of the best of the Monster Energy line in all categories that matter, but one of the best energy drinks I’ve had overall.  It looks and tastes so good you can honestly believe it’s imported (even though it is made in the USA), and it gives me about as much of a kick as I could ask for.  By reviewing this drink, I hope I’ve made you curious.  If you've got to go with a Monster Energy product, make Monster Energy—Import your first choice.

KEYWORDS: Monster Import Energy Drink review, Red Bull clone, traditional energy drink flavor, resealable can

Monday, May 16, 2011

Review for Monster Energy--Dub Edition


186 mg/18.6 oz. can
320 mg/32 oz. can


Monster Energy—Dub Edition isn’t the easiest of the Monster line to come by; I’m only aware of a few places (at least around here) that regularly keep it in stock.  Keep your eyes open long enough and you should be able to find it, but plan on being patient as you do.


If you’ve ever seen it, you know that the design for Monster Energy—Dub Edition is pretty tight; it's very quick to catch the eye, and once it has your attention, it holds it.  The can features the iconic Monster M in purple and gold surrounded by a some sort of shield/wheel design over a black background—really, my description doesn't really do it justice, but for that you have the picture.  Also, I have to say I love the twist-top can that they introduced with Monster Energy—Import, and I'm glad they stuck it on this product as well.


The first of sip tasted almost exactly like the original Monster Energy (no surprises there) with a hint of grape.  This wasn’t too bad, but it does taste a heck of a lot sweeter than the other Monster products.  By the time I was a third of the way through the can, the sweetness had already started to get old, and from there things went downhill.  Approaching the finish line was hard; at that point each sip was almost making me sick.  Nice thought, but the sweetness rendered this one almost undrinkable.

18.6 OZ. CAN


Given the similarities between this drink and Monster Energy—Import, I was expecting the kick to be of a stout sort than what I actually got.  There was a kick, to be sure, but only enough to recognize it as the phenomena that was supposed to be keeping me awake—it was a mild jolt at best, just enough to keep me awake but not enough to make me not feel sleepy.  When all is said and done, it might be alright for studying or something else of the sort, but I'd recommend that anyone that's going to be behind the wheel pass this over and pick something you know for sure will work.


It was hard for me to tell when the kick started to taper off, as it wasn't especially strong to begin with.  It lasted for a time, but I remember that it wasn't the longest time before I staying awake was as difficult as it was before I drank the stuff.


There was nothing about this size of Monster Energy—Dub Edition that makes me feel especially inclined to recommend it.  I had a hard time with the taste, and I disliked how weak the kick was and that said kick gave out on me so much more quickly than I needed it to.  In the end, the payoff that you get from downing the entire can isn’t worth the price.  It’s better suited for display than it is for providing any sort of serious energy experience.

32 OZ. CAN


When people think “energy drink,” I guarantee you something like what you experience with the 32 oz. Dub Edition comes to mind—big can, big caffeine, and big energy.  If you can’t see what’s coming before you down this BFC monster, I’d venture a guess and say you were blind.  For the sake of such, however, I will say that you can expect a massive energy boost out of this thing.


Massive boost lasted the better part of five hours, with a surprisingly light crash considering what you took in.


If you like Dub Edition, there’s no reason you shouldn’t drink the BFC—assuming you can find it; took me forever to track down a can that wasn’t on ebay.

KEYWORDS: Monster Dub Edition Energy Drink review, Red Bull clone, traditional energy drink flavor, grape, 18.6 oz. Dub Edition review, 32 oz. Dub Edition review, 18.6 ounces, 32 ounces

Review for Monster Energy--Assault


160 mg/16 oz. can
240 mg/24 oz. can


I don’t see Monster Energy—Assault everywhere I see the original, but it’s pretty dang close.  If you don’t find it at one location, it’s almost guaranteed that you will find it at the next.


The design of the can consists of a very cool stylized camouflage motif in black with shades of gray surrounding a blood-red version of the classic Monster M in its usual place.  The effect is (at least) the look of a drink that means business, as though it really is out to be the “meanest energy supplement on the planet.”


The taste, at its core, has some resemblance to the original Monster Energy, though it is, for all intents and purposes, a distinct beverage.  There is a new flavor in there—cherry or something of the sort—that lends some individuality to the drink, but the deviation is manifest mostly as a substantially increased and very agreeable sourness.  It’s a dang tasty drink to be sure, and a welcome respite to anyone looking for a fresh new take on something that’s otherwise same ‘ol, same ol’.

16-OZ. CAN


The kick delivered by the 16-oz. can is commendable, even managing to be more effective than the original.  True to the namesake, the effect is akin to a sort of energy assault—out of the drink, you get a fairly high level of energy with plenty of jitters; in my mind this beverage has proved itself to be more deserving of the Monster Energy company’s boasts than the original.


The kick of Monster Energy—Assault is reasonably long lasting, maybe outdoing the original (again) by a half hour or so and offering a similar lack of appreciable crash.  Not much of a difference, but all the same enough that I felt the need to make note of it.


In my book, Monster Energy—Assault surpasses the original in just about every area where it matters (no small praise).  If it catches your eye and piques your curiosity, know that this is not the sort of drink by which you will be let down.

24-OZ. CAN


The 24-oz. can is certainly more powerful than the 16-oz. can, even if not by a significant degree.  I am to a degree torn as to whether the kick is worth the extra price and sugar, and I think I’ll end my commentary there.  I think the uncertainty is statement enough.


Even if the difference in intensity from the 16-oz. version wasn’t exceptionally noteworthy, the duration was.  I think one can plan on enjoying an energized state for at least five hours before any wearing off is appreciably noticeable.


So there you have it—the 24-oz. Monster Energy—Assault.  Tastes dandy, totes an impressive kick.  Is it worth purchasing over the 16-oz. can?  As I’m uncertain, I’ll leave that up to the reader.  Take the data and do what you will with it.

KEYWORDS: Monster Assault Energy Drink review, Red Bull clone, traditional energy drink flavor, Monster Assault 16-oz. review, Monster Assault 24-oz. review, 16 ounces, 24 ounces