Monday, July 18, 2011

Review for NOS--Fruit Punch


260 mg/16 oz. can
359 mg/22 oz. bottle


So you’re probably wondering why I’m reviewing one of the variants of an original before I review the original, which is not a habit of mine—well, it’s because around here, every retailer seems to be trying to get rid of the NOS Fruit Punch flavor as quick as they can to make room for something that will sell better.  Finally found a place that carried cans that wouldn’t expire in three days, so I picked it up so as to be able to review it at a later time.  And here I am, reviewing it on a later date as it becomes increasingly scarce.


I like the red with the standard NOS template, but there’s something I find quite disagreeable about that shade of yellow with the red on the can…or maybe it's just the yellow.  I don’t know what it is…for some reason it just doesn’t work in my mind.  Still, it looks alright if you hold it such that you don’t see that antagonistic yellow shade in back.  The bottle doesn’t have that problem, and for that gets an extra point.  And for being in that awesome bottle.


Much better than some of the fruit punch drinks I’ve had—not quite as sweet, decidedly less gummy, with a little more emphasis on the sour than most.  Still not quite enough to win me as a convert…but hey, I’ve got Venom Energy—Death Adder for that.

16 OZ. CAN


It’s…intense.  They’re not kidding when they call this a “High Performance” energy drink.  It was kind of slow to get started, but once I was going, I did have the impression of being in a Lamborghini doing 200 down the interstate from Pocatello to Twin Falls.  Something interesting was that the tiredness was still present, but only in the same way a guy being dragged behind the Lamborghini by a rope around his ankles screaming effeminately at the top of his lungs is still present.  Eventually lost it, though, and from that point there was no stopping me.


NOS—Fruit Punch has some pretty impressive mileage (okay, no more vehicular references…until the next NOS product review, at least)…it kept me going for a good five hours at least before I started to burn out.  There was a bit of a crash at the end there, but nothing especially out of the ordinary.


Lovers of the run-of-the-mill fruit punch flavor, rejoice!  This is your drink.  Even if you don’t, the flavor is still passable, and it's a drink that's definitely worth taking down if you really need something hardcore to keep you going…I can guarantee it will do at least that much.



I got the same effect from this bottle as I did the bottle of the original—very intense, but not insanely so.  Fortunately, it’s got the longevity thing going for it also.


I drank this only a few days after the bottle of the original, so I was a little desensitized to the caffeine—I got only 8 hours out of it.  Frick, listen to me—EIGHT HOURS.  Even if I wasn’t certain that it’ll deliver the same effect as the original as long as you’re not taking them down one day after the other, that’s still a lot of energy!  So…unless you’re really going overboard on the caffeine as of late, as I was, anticipate a full day of energy.


I’m thinking I’ll be averaging the 10+ rating as I would an 11, but I might change my mind about that in the future.  Bottom line: this is a very potent bevarage with a singularly long-lived kick.  Like fruit punch as much as you do energy?  Freak, get a bottle of NOS—Fruit Punch already!


KEYWORDS: NOS Fruit Punch Energy Drink review, high performance, NOS Fruit Punch 16 oz. can review, NOS Fruit Punch 22 oz. bottle review, 16 ounces, 22 ounces


  1. Hello,
    I am a researcher at the Nutrient Data Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). In this lab we work on food composition and nutrient values of foods and are responsible for developing USDA's National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, the foundation of most food and nutrition databases in the US, used in food policy, research and nutrition monitoring. ( We are NOT a regulatory organization

    I work on the food composition tables of beverages, and am in the process of enetering the caffeine content of energy drinks. I would appreciate if you could let me know, from where you have obtained data on the caffeine content of energy drinks you have listed on your website. Have you chemically analyzed these drinks for caffeine? This data is important to us and I will appreciate if you could reply at your earliest.

    Thank you,
    Dr. Somanchi
    Nutrient Data Laboratory
    10300 Baltimore Avenue
    Bldg. 005 Room 215 BARC West
    Beltsville, Maryland 20705

  2. Replies
    1. I have not. They haven's showed up in my neck of the woods yet. Will post reviews as soon as they do.
