Thursday, July 21, 2011

Review for Xenergy Mango Guava Premium


200 mg


Not the easiest to come by unless you know where to look.  You actually have to make a point of looking for it, because hoping to stumble across it won't get you anywhere, as it would with other energy drinks.


Xyience does about as good a job as you can ask for in terms of packaging while baring as much aluminum as possible.  I like the simplicity of the design, I like that it’s unique, and in this case I like the colors, but there’s always that connection in my mind of silver cans and watery sugar free drinks, which leads to a bit of a bias on my part.


Tastes about as real as you could ask for (mangos and guavas), as with the others, but the artificial sweetener aftertaste is pretty prominent here, which takes away from the experience as a whole.


Definitely one of the more intense of the Xenergy drinks I’ve had so far.  It’s a good, strong kick, with plenty of jitters towards the beginning and a nice heightened alertness after the fact.


The drink’s formidability with respect to intensity is perfectly matched by its duration, which should keep you going about as long as you could realistically ask for.  Given how hard it hits and how long it keeps you going, the crash after the fact is almost understandable.


If you don’t mind artificial sweeteners and like the flavor of mango and guava, this is definitely your drink.  If you need a drink with a substantial kick that will keep you going and not give out before the job is done, this might also be your drink.  And, if you are counting calories, you have nothing to lose in drinking it.  Even if it’s not my favorite, this is still an all-around solid energy drink.


KEYWORDS: Xenergy Mango Guava Premium Energy Drink review, authentic taste, official UFC energy drink, low carb, zero calories, sugar free

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