Sunday, September 11, 2011

Review for Xenergy Xtreme Cherry Rush


200 mg


Xenergy Xtreme Cherry Rush is difficult to find in the same way Xenergy Blu Pom Premium is; if you do happen upon it, you can probably attribute your find to luck more than anything else.


The packaging on Xenergy Xtreme Cherry Rush is pretty slick, owing to the simple yet effective combination of red and green spheres over a black background.  A similar idea was used with Xenergy Cherry Lime Premium, though rather than appearing washed out and faded, Xenergy Xtreme Cherry Rush has a bold, vibrant appearance, significantly more aesthetically pleasing than its Cherry Lime Premium counterpart.


I’m not sure what the difference is between the Premium and Xtreme lines of Xenergy energy drinks, but they share one thing in common in that they deliver what they say they will in terms of taste.  Xenergy Xtreme Cherry Rush provides you with that—a rush of cherry flavor, smooth and convincing.  And with regards to the artificial sweeteners—had I drank the can before having read the nutrition facts, I would never have guessed that I was drinking something without a single gram of sugar in it.  It’s that good.


There’s not a lot I could say about this drink without reiterating what I have said already reviewing other Xenergy drinks…so here goes. Xenergy Xtreme Cherry Rush delivers the goods when it comes to kick, with very little lacking.  That’s all that really needs saying.


GAH!  Confound this compulsive need to be descriptive!  Alright, here goes…when it comes to duration of effectiveness, Xenergy Xtreme Cherry Rush performs admirably, perfectly matching the intensity (this is an off day as far as description is patient with me).


Xenergy energy drinks are for the most part pretty dependable when you need a boost, and Xenergy Xtreme Cherry Rush is no exception.  It is uncompromisingly effective and long lasting in terms of the kick, and exceeds flavor expectations set by other Xenergy drinks as an added bonus.  I consider Xenergy Xtreme Cherry Rush to be one of Xyience’s better drinks, and well worth one’s consideration when seeking out an energy drink both tasty and potent.

KEYWORDS: Xenergy Xtreme Cherry Rush Energy Drink review, authentic taste, official UFC energy drink, low carb, zero calories, sugar free 

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