Sunday, November 27, 2011

Review for Amp Energy--Sugar Free


142 mg


Amp Energy—Sugar Free is on the scarcer side of things.  The more I watch for it the less I seem to see it; I would advise that any desirous to satisfy their curiosity by trying it out pick it up sooner rather than later, before it vanishes altogether.


Due to the vast exposure of aluminum over the periphery of the can, Amp Energy—Sugar Free looks a bit bland, albeit not as much as it could gave been.  I do very much like the black flame and the shade of green employed here and would love seeing Amp do something more complete with this scheme in the future, but until then Sugar Free’s all we’ve got.


I found the taste of Amp Energy—Sugar Free to be curiously distinct from the original Amp Energy.  While the latter was principally passion fruit and orange flavored, the former reminds me more of the less-than-placeable citrus-ish taste of the original Mountain Dew, though it does taste slightly watered down and is overwhelmed a bit by the aftertaste of artificial sweeteners.  If you like Mountain Dew there is a chance you’ll like Amp Energy—Sugar Free, though the aforementioned artificial sweeteners are not skillfully employed here and may be a turn-off to some.


The kick was rather characteristic of the Amp Energy line; it kept me awake, though for most of the time I still could feel some degree of fatigue.  I found it useful for keeping me from falling asleep over my physiology studies, though for a long drive I’d probably go for something at least a bit stronger.


Amp Energy—Sugar Free actually surpassed my expectations in terms of longevity—while most Amp beverages tend to give out after an average of two hours, I got about 3½ before I felt tired enough that I could have slept had I needed to.


Well, it’s not spectacular, but by my standards Amp Energy—Sugar Free still does alright.  Health-conscious Mountain Dew lovers will be the most enamored by this beverage, though with the rest of us it will be more of a toss-up.


KEYWORDS: Amp Sugar Free review, zero sugar, sugar free, low calorie, lo cal hi power

Monday, November 21, 2011

Review for True Colors




If you’re looking to get a hold of True Colors head to Big Lots—which apparently is where energy drinks go to die.  If you can’t find it there, you’re probably out of luck (so to speak).


I’m not sure anybody involved in True Color’s design actually cared about what they were doing.  They name the drink ‘True Colors’ (which doesn’t make a lot of sense as the name of an energy drink anyway), and…they don’t do a thing with the can.  Regular, repeating silver dots over the lower ¾ of the can give the illusion of a fizzing beverage, then above that is the name of the drink, with the word “COLORS” in drab shades of blue, green, and red that somehow remind me of a 1970's television set.  It’s nothing offensive, but still the laziest thing I’ve ever seen as far as presentation is concerned.  Oh, and one more thing—trying to read the ingredients and nutrition facts with those silver dots in the background is freaking obnoxious.  Just had to get that out in the open.


When I read the word “Original” on the can, I knew what I was getting into—Red Bull clone, or a stab at it…ah, the irony.  Sure enough, it was exactly that, but the taste is very substandard as far as Red Bull clones are concerned.  It’s got the beginnings of the Red Bull flavor, but it’s exceptionally sour towards the end and possesses a significantly bitterer (yeah, according to Microsoft Word, that’s more correct than “more bitter”) aftertaste than Red Bull.  I’m not sure that True Colors will find a specific niche among energy (I guess it would be more correct to say, “would find a specific niche”, since the drink was discontinued) except perhaps the odd consumer that is looking for a cheap boost and doesn’t really care about what they get.


True Colors has kick enough to take the edge off of one’s fatigue, but should not be counted on for anything more substantial than that.


I got about two hours of efficacy after drinking True Colors, after which I crashed and was done for the day.  If that’s all you need, then I suppose you could go with True Colors.


All in all, this drink is pretty second-rate.  The flavor is tolerable but not at all pleasant, and the kick is by-and-large unremarkable.  My final verdict: just pass it over.  You want an inexpensive Red Bull clone?  Try Slap Frost Low Calorie, which 1) tastes better, 2) kicks like the dickens, and 3) has only 30 calories per can.

WEBSITE: Was, but the domain’s up for grabs with the discontinuation of the drink.

KEYWORDS: True Colors energy drink review, Red Bull clone, traditional energy drink flavor, discontinued

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Review for NOS--Loaded Cherry


260 mg


I have no clue as to why, but this one is actually pretty hard to find.  Over the course of my travels since the time that Loaded Cherry came out, I have only seen it a handful of times.  If you happen across it (it seems to be found most frequently at gas stations or grocery stores with a diversely stocked energy drink section), I’d pick it up; otherwise you’ll probably have to wait a while before you find it again.


By my estimation NOS looks good in dark red, even to the point where that noxious urine yellow color that NOS is so fond doesn’t really seem offensive.  Only complaint I have with it is that it may be something that gets lost in the energy drink refrigerator unless you’re familiar with NOS and deliberately looking for Loaded Cherry—it has the tendency to blend in with the other NOS beverages (a side effect of the huge vertical “NOS” logo running up the front of the can, which tends to take the color down to a level of secondary consideration), especially in the presence of Fruit Punch.


I’ve tasted a wide range of cherry beverages with varying results, so my mind was pretty open when I popped open my can of Loaded Cherry.  It’s got that expected cherry soda smell, and once you start drinking the flavor is akin to that of the cherry flavoring in cherry 7-Up, except more concentrated and without the lemon/lime.  It’s a pretty nice experience, especially with the high degree of carbonation the drink possesses.  I almost wish I hadn’t been in such a hurry when I drank it so I could have savored it just a bit more.


Even for a NOS beverage, Loaded Cherry hits you pretty dang hard—seeing as it just occurred to me that this is indicated by the “Loaded” in “Loaded Cherry”, I can say that it the performance of the drink is true to the name—I have not had such a dramatic experience with a NOS drink before.


Only a couple of drinks that I’ve had can compare with NOS—Loaded Cherry’s longevity.  The peak of efficacy lasted at least 2½ hours, and it as about six before I felt like the drink had worn off to the degree that I could sleep if I felt thus inclined.   Thing is, even after that, I didn’t exactly feel thus inclined; I don’t know if I should attribute that to the drink or not.  Either way, short of a Spike energy drink (which deliver a kick I consider way north of necessary or even simply excessive) or Rockstar Zero Carb (read that review next), you can’t ask for a better duration of kick than that provided by NOS—Loaded Cherry.


For the well-rounded energy drink aficionado, NOS—Loaded Cherry is a must.  The cherry flavor is near the top of the list of best cherry-inspired drinks I’ve had (enough to satisfy all but the most selective cherry lover), and the kick was enough that it caught me off guard.  Given the chance, take the shot and drink this beverage.


KEYWORDS: NOS Loaded Cherry energy drink review, high performance, dark red can

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Review for Go Fast Coconut Energy


162 mg


As with other Go Fast products that are not the original beverage, Coconut Energy is quite difficult to find, and getting a hold of a can will in all likelihood require a great deal of patience.


The basic idea for the Coconut Energy can is the same as the original, with diagonal logo and stock graphic—the only difference is the presence of coconuts.  I was not terribly fond of the packaging on the berry and lemonade/lime flavors, but if only for the sheer intrigue produced by the idea of a coconut flavored energy drink, Coconut Energy supersedes its Go Fast peers in terms of ability to grab and hold one’s attention.


While not the most unpleasant taste experience of my life (that goes to either the pineapple rehydrating solution I had in Colomba, Guatemala or Rockstar 2X), I could not bring myself to enjoy Go Fast Coconut Energy.  It basically consists of the original flavor (carbonated mint and honey tea) with some coconut flavoring and stevia.  Now, I wasn’t a fan of the original flavor (even if it still wasn’t terribly bad), I do like some coconut-flavored products, and stevia…well, stevia is its usual ungodly self here and nothing can change that, but put all these things together…it was just way too weird.  I had a hard time getting it down, and even after I had there was a moment when I came dangerously close to ending my 16-year vomit-free streak (I was saved by the carbonation of the drink, which substituted emesis for a belch).  Is it unique?  Yes.  Is that a good thing?  Not in this case, no.


After the taste, it seems kind of pointless for me to say that it worked, but I have to follow through with the entirety of the review and say that it did.  It’s not a strong kick, mind you, but it will wake you up in a hurry (less than five minutes) if that’s what you need.


The duration of energy efficacy was long enough to be worthy of note.  At least 3, 3½ hours can be expected after the starting point before one begins to slow down.


Regardless of efficacy, I cannot bring myself to recommend this drink.  Having had the experience I did with the taste, if I do not warn against it, I have failed as a reviewer and perhaps deserve to drink another can (but no more than that).  Does it work?  Yes.  But just about every drink I’ve reviewed (with a few exceptions) has to some degree.  If this is sort of the kick you look for, there are plenty of other drinks that will do the same thing without making you ill.  And, if you really need it, there are stronger drinks than this one, and most of them taste just fine.  If you really must give it a try, fine.  But don’t say I didn’t warn you.

KEYWORDS: Go Fast Coconut energy drink review, stronger for longer, sports energy drink, stevia, Stevia rebaudina

Review for Slap Frost Low Calorie


200 mg


The only place where I’ve seen any Slap product make an appearance is at Wal-Mart, where it is sold for a mere 98 cents per can.  I do not ordinarily award a high score for ease in acquisition to a drink that is only carried at one chain, but given Wal-Mart’s ubiquitous nature, I believe that in this case the high mark is warranted.


The design of the can in which this product is sold is about as simple as they come—quadrate logo in blue and white, with additional information concerning the product found in blue/black bands at the top and bottom of the can.  It’s not so remarkable as to be particularly noteworthy, but neither is it so generic that it warrants any special criticism.  This is a bargain energy drink, after all.


I opened the can for Slap Frost Low Calorie thinking I had a pretty good idea what I was getting into—I envisioned a very sweet Red Bull clone with a significant artificial sweetener aftertaste and the same dirty taste in the mouth as I got after the original, with a hint of a cooling mint sensation in my throat once I was done.  I was right about the first and last parts—this is indeed a Red Bull clone (perhaps just a bit sweet for my liking), I did get that interesting tingling sensation as I was drinking it, but there was no artificial sweetener OR dirty aftertaste to be found.  It isn’t by any means a perfect energy drink, but it really is quite drinkable, and is definitely a better representation of what the company was trying to achieve than the original.


I was quite impressed with the kick provided by the original Slap Frost, and its low-calorie counterpart currently under scrutiny matched it in every whit—the drinker gets a substantial amount of energy with a fair amount of jitters, though I noticed that the serious case of the shakes that I got out of the original was absent from this health-savvy variant, which I consider to be to its credit.


It is only now that I notice that on the cans of both the low calorie and original Slap Frost beverages is the phrase “Multi-Stage Energy Supplement.”  I have no idea how this is managed, but it would explain why this drink is so long lasting.  There were times when I honestly thought it would never quit.  It did eventually, but it was only about six hours later before I honestly felt that the drink had stopped working.


Slap Frost deserved kudos for a fantastic kick, for going out on a limb and trying to create something different for the masses and for delivering it at such a low price, but in truth they really needed to clean up the taste.  In Slap Frost Low Calorie, I feel that they have done just that.  It delivers the same fantastic kick as the original, but without that earthy aftertaste that plagued it.  If you are looking to see what the company is all about, make your drink Slap Frost Low Calorie.


KEYWORDS: Slap Frost Low Calorie energy drink review, low calorie, 30 calories per can, 15 calories per serving, traditional energy drink flavor, Red Bull clone, sensation energy

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Review for Monster Energy--Import Light


186 mg


I don’t know if it's because Import Light is just taking a while to catch on, but by Monster standards it’s a bit hard to come by.  Still, it isn’t by any means impossible or even hard to find, but don’t be frustrated if one location doesn’t have it—just check the next closest, and chances are it’ll be there. 


I love that Import Light features the familiar crest and that awesome resealable can of the original; my only real tiffs with the beverage involve the substitution of blue for green in the design, which doesn’t seem to work as well with the silver crest as the green, and the freehand font in which the word “Light” written beneath the Monster Energy logo, which just seems out of place on an otherwise stately format.  Even though the effect lacks creativity and is not quite as impressive as that of the original Import, some of the appeal still remains, and will probably be enough to pique the curiosity of the health-conscious energy seeker.


Import Light was a thoroughly enjoyable taste experience—it has the same complexity, the same smoothness, the same careful emphasis on sour over sweet as the original; the only thing I have to say against it is that it does betimes have a moderate artificial sweetener aftertaste that proves to be a bit distracting.  That aside, Import Light is exceptionally easy to enjoy, all the more because you don’t have to worry about the untold calories in sugar you’re consuming—because for the most part, they aren’t there.


Import light held its own in terms of taste, and in like manner delivered a fantastic kick that left very little to be desired.  It starts quickly (it was already beginning to work its magic as I was finishing up the can), and during the fact I enjoyed a very high level of functional alertness, with jitters enough to be noticed but not to be considered excessive.


Full marks for Import light in this category—I enjoyed hours of a nice, smooth energy boost, and even after the fact staying awake was not a problem for another long while.  I crossed the finish line without a crash, just a pleasant sleepiness indicating that a nap was in order.


With a taste and kick like those delivered by Monster Energy—Import Light, there is very little I can say against it.  Fans of Monster Energy who are engaged in a bit of calorie counting (and even those who aren’t) would benefit from giving it a shot.

KEYWORDS: Monster Import Light Energy Drink review, Red Bull clone, traditional energy drink flavor, resealable can, low calorie, 57.5 calories

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Review for Rockstar Sugar Free


160 mg/16 oz. can
240 mg/24 oz. can


Rockstar Sugar Free is every bit ubiquitous as the original; if you find yourself in a location in which it is unavailable, turn around—you’re in Antarctica.  Or in Rio Blanco, San Marcos, Guatemala.  Either one.


For a zero calorie beverage, Rockstar Sugar Free actually holds its own in terms of packaging.  It’s just the typical Rockstar motif (angled gold star, logo, etc.) with white as the background color, and stands quite well on its own.


The original Rockstar is not exactly a healthy beverage…with 62 grams of sugar in a 16-oz. can, it’s more than enough to make me cringe.  Naturally, the idea behind Rockstar Sugar Free holds quite a bit of appeal to me—think of the original Rockstar with all its pineapple-ish goodness and without the sugar.  Well, with your first can, you’re not going to get that—it’s good, to be sure, but scarce is the moment where it tastes like the original.  The coating smoothness that was very prominent in Monster Energy—Low Carb is present here (same sweetener blend, I imagine), almost to the point of completely covering the Rockstar taste.  That was my experience with the 16 oz. can—with the 24 oz. can, which I reviewed later, the sucralose taste was almost gone—and it tasted like a less sugary version and actually smoother version of the original, which I found to be quite gratifying.  So I assign a taste rating to Rockstar Sugar Free based on my second can—give it two shots before you pass judgment on it.

16 OZ. CAN


In this respect, Rockstar Sugar Free is a Rockstar beverage to the core.  I love that I got a kick that was every bit as effective as the original, with a startling degree of alertness, impressive amount of jitters, and speedy, somewhat exaggerated reactions to varying stimuli.


Performance in this category is again reminiscent of the original—5+ hours of energy, culminating with little to no crash.  How I’ve missed you of late, Rockstar….


By my estimation, Rockstar Sugar Free is an excellent beverage that earns its place in an illustrious line of quality energy supplements.  As a tasty, no-nonsense energy drink that one can imbibe without (caloric) guilt, Rockstar Sugar Free has few peers.

24 OZ. CAN


I smile just thinking of my experience with the 24 oz. Rockstar Sugar Free—there are so many ways in which I just loved it.  Maybe it was the fact that I had a really nasty headache (can’t eat too late or that happens to me) and this was my medication of choice at that moment.  Maybe it was the fact that this time, I actually found it to be a wonderful substitute for the original.  Or maybe it was because the kick was just so dang fun.  I hadn’t gone 10 minutes before I was bouncing off the freaking walls, chatting it up with the time with my wife and her family and just generally having the time of my life.  This is an awesome drink with an awesome kick.


This drink will give you about 5½ hours of effective kick before it’s all over, at which point it gently sets you down and lets you go to bed—as opposed to the kick-in-the-balls crash you get out of Wired X 344.


Rockstar Sugar Free: I love you.  Readers: drink this drink.  Enjoy this drink.  That’s all I have to say.


KEYWORDS: Rockstar Energy Drink review, pineapple, double energy, double size, party like a Rockstar

Review for Team Realtree Outdoor Energy--Low Carb




Any Team Realtree product is more likely to be sold at specialty stores than anywhere else, and their energy drinks are no exception.  I bought all of mine at Sportsman’s Warehouse, and outside of their stores, I’ve only seen them once (at a gas station in Montana, which actually kind of makes sense, given the theme).  Good news if you live near a Sportsman’s Warehouse or other such store, bad news if not.


I’ve always liked the packaging on Team Realtree’s energy drinks.  The original evoked a nostalgic sort of feeling within me (I grew up in New England, and am quite comfortable in a forest setting), and I at least respected what the company was trying to do with Blaze Orange and White Buck.  I can’t truthfully say that I dislike the design they opted to put on their Low Carb variant, but I don’t know that what appears to be a muddy lake in the middle of a coniferous forest was the best woodland scene they could have picked.  That aside, I love the thick aluminum bottle with the resealable cap, and wish that more energy drinks would pick up on that.


Given the fact that in times past, most beverages labeled “Low Carb, Low Calorie, Zero Calorie, etc.” have been variants of a sugared and otherwise identical beverage, it kind of came to me as a surprise that Low Carb was a unique drink, bearing no resemblance to the original.  The taste?  Cream soda.  If you like cream soda, more power to you, but I really hate cream soda.  To me, the idea is flawed in the same way meat ice cream is flawed—you have meat, and you have ice cream, but you don’t mix them.  Same goes for cream soda—you have cream, and you have soda.  Mix them and the result is a “what the FRICK is this?” kind of experience.  If this were all, I might be a little more forgiving, and even say “if you like cream soda, feel free to discard everything I said and enjoy your Team Realtree Outdoor Energy—Low Carb.”  Alas that this is not the case…the drink possesses an aftertaste that is quite offensive (very bitter and acrid), almost reminiscent of my experience with Rockstar 2X, and I doubt even you cream soda lovers could stomach that.


However much of an ordeal it was trying to get it all down, Team Realtree Outdoor Energy—Low Carb is rather effective.  I was particularly pleased with how fast-acting it was; I drank this just before heading out to class, and once I was there (about 15 minutes later), the maximum effects had already set in.


Usually, the more potent a drink is, the longer it will last.  Though there are exceptions to this rule, this drink is not one of those.  It will provide 3-3½ hours of solid energy, after which its effects simply diminish without a crash.


In the end, although Team Realtree Energy Outdoor Energy—Low Carb works pretty well, drinking it is not an experience I’m anxious to repeat or recommend unless in a time of exceeding desperation.  If you hate cream soda, you’ll hate Team Realtree Energy Outdoor Energy—Low Carb, and if you love cream soda, you’ll hate Team Realtree Energy Outdoor Energy—Low Carb.  That’s about all there is to it. 

KEYWORDS: Team Realtree Blaze Orange Energy Drink review, cream soda, low sugar, low carb, low calorie, 20 calories, sportsman's drink, outdoorsman's drink

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Review for Venom Energy--Mojave Rattler


170 mg


I found this one to be more scattered than the other three; for whatever reason most locations that carry Black Mamba, Death Adder, and Killer Taipan don’t carry Mojave Rattler.  In the end it is a bit of a pain to find.


If you’ve seen the Venom bottle, you know that energy drink packaging doesn’t get much cooler.  If you know anything about purple, you know that no other color has the same potential to make things look awesome.  Put the two together…well, you can imagine.  And if you can’t…well, that’s why I take and include a picture.


Mojave Rattler is basically the same drink as Black Mamba—just the traditional energy drink flavor with fewer carbs.  I wasn’t thrilled with the betimes-distracting aftertaste, but it had that wonderful Venom fizz that I’m so fond of.  If you like Black Mamba but don’t want to deal with the calories, the taste in Mojave Rattler isn’t so much different that a huge sacrifice would be made in drinking it.


This one works as well as any of the line—the intensity is about the same as Death Adder, except I found the effect to be more on the jittery side, so it’s not much of a comparison.  Regardless, it is in this respect quite effective, leaving little lacking.


I always like it when an energy drink has appreciable staying power, and Mojave Rattler has it in abundance—about as much as any (excluding the mutant Spike Hardcore Energy—The Original) on the market.


Even if I found the aftertaste is a little bit obnoxious, Venom Energy—Mojave Rattler tastes pretty dang good otherwise, and is very effective to boot.  And all this for only 60 calories…not a bad deal at all.

KEYWORDS: Venom Mojave Rattler Energy Drink review, traditional energy drink flavor, Red Bull clone, high carbonation, low carb, low calorie

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Review for Team Realtree Outdoor Energy--White Buck


Nowhere to be found.  I’m almost tempted to take a sample, throw it into the spectrophotometer up at the biology department, and find it that way.  But then again, Team Realtree might sue me if I attempted to publish the caffeine content, so probably not the best idea.


By and large, Team Realtree Outdoor Energy—White Buck is pretty scarce; only a handful of the outdoorsman’s stores where I frequent carry it.  Good thing is that if you can find one you can find ‘em all, which makes satiating one’s curiosity for the line/filling vacancies in one’s collection somewhat easier.


Well, there’s not a white buck to be found anywhere on the bottle, but the snowy woodland it portrays is still nice to look upon, and is packaged in a nice, thick aluminum bottle, for which I’m always willing to grant an extra point or two.


White Buck is meant to be a Red Bull clone, but to be truthful it isn’t an especially good one.  It has the same combination of flavors as Red Bull or Monster Energy or any of the others, though more emphasis is placed on one of those flavors more than the others, resulting in the drink with poor balance and an unpleasant taste reminiscent of too-sweet white grape juice.  I don’t mind different takes on a familiar formula, which sometimes works (as in the case of Monster Energy—Assault) but in this case, it doesn’t.


It’s a little slow getting started, but once it finally started working, I was actually impressed.  I’ve kind of figured out a way to control the jitters such that they aren’t as quick to manifest themselves, but in this case I found it hard to help myself—even my wife seemed to notice and raise an eyebrow at my excessive chattiness.


White Buck continued to perform well quite consistently throughout the afternoon.  There was a semi-gradual tapering off of effectiveness after 3½ hours or so, after which there was no crash, though a nice nap came with relative ease.


I’m a bit torn in my final assessment.  On one hand I’ll make no claims for the flavor, but at the same time I found the kick to be commendable, and for that the drink does deserve at least some recognition.  I’ll call it a toss-up, and leave the decision up to the reader.


KEYWORDS: Team Realtree Energy Drink review, Red Bull clone, traditional energy drink flavor, sportsman's drink, outdoorsman's drink 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Review for Monster Energy--Absolutely Zero


160 mg/16 oz. can
240 mg/24 oz. can


Given the demand for a zero calorie Monster Energy beverage (see the side of the can for details; typically I don't put a lot of stock into what drinks say on the sides of the cans, but in this case it makes sense), it isn’t surprising that Monster Energy—Absolutely Zero is so easy to come by.  It’s as common as any of ‘em.


With its ice blue/muted dark blue/purple color scheme (and curious geometric tracings visible upon close inspection), Absolutely Zero is quite an attention catcher/holder.  Given how little thought is placed into the packaging of most zero calorie beverages (see Amp Energy Sugar Free and NOS Sugar Free for examples), the ingenuity placed into the concept of  Absolutely Zero represents a refreshing breeze (or ice-cold nor’easter) of creativity.


Well, I have to say I did like this one, though I have to put out the word of warning that like Lo-Carb, this one won’t please diehards of the sugared version.  It’s Monster, to be sure, but the difference from the original is perceptible, if only barely.  By way of elaboration, the extensive smoothness from the artificial sweetener(s) that masked a great deal of the flavor in Lo-Carb is significantly less extensive, leaving more of that delicious Monster flavor that so many of us love, though there was a time or two where I did pick up traces of another artificial sweetener aftertaste that was a little distracting.  All-in-all Monster did a bang-up job with the flavor—I just really hope they never decide to put some other low-calorie beverage with stevia as the sweetener….

16 OZ. CAN


The kick was pretty nice.  I was at that point of alertness that one likes to be at when they’ve just had an energy drink—a nice, high level of functional alertness, with enough jitters to be noticeable, but not enough to be considered excessive.


The longevity of effective alertness was plenty more than adequate.  Perfect for a long morning of studying or test taking, or anything of the sort.


Again, Monster has exceeded my expectations with a not-so-high-calorie (in this case zero) energy drink.  It tastes good and works well—what more can you ask…oh, wait.  It’s also got zero calories.  Almost forgot to mention it.  That said, even if you’re feeling particularly apprehensive about it I’d recommend you give it a try; if nothing else you at least get a shot at finding a drink that you love that you don't have to feel guilty about drinking, and how cool is that?

24 OZ. CAN


If you take down 24 ounces of Monster Energy—Absolutely Zero, expect it to hit pretty hard and pretty fast.  I was still working on the can when the jitters started, and it only got more intense.  I’ll say this—if you need to stay awake, Monster Energy—Absolutely Zero in this size can definitely be counted on.


Nothing’s worse than getting a nice, hard kick out of a drink, only to have it crap out on you before the job’s done—but, this isn’t a problem with Monster Energy—Absolutely Zero.  4+ hours of efficacy can be anticipated at the very least.


Honestly, even though I consider the 16 oz. version sufficient, I wouldn’t hesitate to grab the 24 oz. given the chance.  I’m quite fond of the flavor, and found the raw intensity of the drink to be quite gratifying.  Now if only Absolutely Zero came in a 32 oz. BFC….

KEYWORDS: Monster Absolutely Zero review, zero calories, traditional energy drink flavor, Red Bull clone, Monster Absolutely Zero 16 oz. review, Monster Absolutely Zero 24 oz. review, 16 ounces, 24 ounces