Thursday, June 7, 2012

Review for Viso Vigor

The following review applies to both the 16 oz. can and the 20 oz. bottle—caffeine content’s the same, the effects are the same; the only differences are the concentration and the packaging.


300 mg


Difficult to come by, for the most part.  Best bet is buying it by the case online.


I don’t consider the green of the Viso Vigor can to be as effective as Dynamo’s purple, but coupled with the navy blue font and the gold accents, it’s still pretty snazzy.  The bottle, on the other hand, with its loose, crinkly wrapper and Gatorade-esque bottle, just looks kind of cheap and easy to overlook.


Viso’s website indicates that Vigor is their most popular flavor, and I don’t have any trouble believing it.  Vigor is some dang good stuff—I’d go so far as to call it ‘next level’ good.  The flavor is supposed to be a homogeny of lemon, lime, and strawberry; I honestly don’t remember the strawberry much—only a singularly refreshing key lime and lemon goodness.  This is one of those drinks where I have a really hard time doing the flavor justice—you’ll just have to try it yourself.  I will say that, as with Dynamo, I took Vigor down sip by sip, savoring every bit of it, such that it took me about 10 minutes to finish it.


Vigor’s distinction from Dynamo ends at the flavor—the kicks are identical.  But, in the event that the reader has not read my review for Dynamo, I’ll repeat what I stated there.  Viso energy drinks, with their 300 mg of caffeine, aren’t meant to deliver a harsh, short-lived blast of energy—rather, they are formulated to give a kick that is somewhat less intense (according to the graph on the website), but loner-lived and without the crash.  That’s exactly what you get—with Vigor, I never felt particularly wired, just extremely awake and extremely lucid.  And honestly, it was one of the best I’ve ever experienced.


Viso Vigor’s energy level doesn’t peak so much as it does plateau—the high level of energy one gets out of it don’t decrease over the course of the experience, but remains the about the same until about a half hour before it wears off.  In all, you can anticipate at least seven hours of useful energy once you’ve finished the can. 


I just love it when an energy drink company decides to take energy drinking to the next level.  That’s what has happened with Viso Vigor—the company has employed all-natural ingredients to deliver a drink that is reasonably healthy, exceptionally tasty, and that possesses an almost unparalleled level of effectiveness.  If you are able, I encourage you to get your hands on at least one can of Viso Vigor.  You may very well find a new drink of choice.


KEYWORDS: Viso Vigor energy drink review, Viso energy drink review, energy juice, key lime, lemon, strawberry, all natural, organic, non-carbonated, high caffeine


  1. The Viso drinks have a noticeably different taste between the bottles and the cans within the same flavors, but this isn't mentioned in any of your Viso reviews.

    1. It isn't mentioned because I detected no such difference. If I can get my hands on each, however, I'm willing to make a second comparison.

  2. You should review Razor next! They're harder to find and they only come in the bottle, but they by far have the best taste out of all the flavors. Rasberry and Orange cannot be beat.
