Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Review for Ironclad--Triple Citrus


154 mg


Generally hard to come by.  This might change in the near future; unfortunately it’s probably because it’ll be seen at Big Lots with greater frequency.


Like the overall design (this is a very gym-appropriate energy drink), don’t like the bare aluminum.


I didn’t like this one as much as Goji Berry, but it’s still reasonably good.  It’s mostly lemon in terms of flavor, but you do pick up hints of lime and scarcer hints of orange.  Best thing about it is that it doesn’t have a heavy, sugary feel that a lot of similar drinks have—which makes it excellent for its purposes as a thirst quencher/hydrator.  You a citrus person?  You’ll probably like Triple Citrus.


I felt pretty jittery after drinking Triple Citrus, but not so much that it really interfered with everything I was hoping to get done the day I drank it—this is an excellent drink if you’ve got a long day of manual labor ahead of you.


Somewhat less than four hours, no crash.


All-in-all, this is a pretty solid energy drink, and don’t the sort of thing that actually deserves to be at Big Lots.  Get your hands on it if you can and give it a whirl—this is a drink that’s plenty worthy of any energy-seeker’s consideration.

KEYWORDS: Ironclad Triple Citrus energy drink review, hydration energy drink, electrolytes

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