Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Review for Sobe Life Water B-Energy--Strawberry Apricot


60 mg


Kind of on the low end of average in this regard.  Of all the stores in town that carry the Life Water line, only one of them carries either flavor of B-Energy.  Such has seemed to be the case wherever I’ve gone.


Nice-looking bottle—I’d even go so far as to call it pretty.  The color combinations (green and…flesh tone?) and leafy patterns go very nicely together, forming one a package that has a very…complete look to it.  I do find it annoying that they call these “B-Energy” when the boost comes from the caffeine—and they probably know it.


Didn’t like this one as much as the other—the apricot and the strawberry are a pleasant blend, but the former has a strange way of accenting the natural flavor of the stevia, which is not pleasant and stays in your mouth for quite a while after the fact.


You get the same results here as if you had drank the other—a nice, mid-range kick.  Only difference is with Black Cherry Dragonfruit you will find yourself thinking, “Hmm…I’m pleasantly awake and alert; I like this”, while with Strawberry Apricot you’ll find yourself thinking “Hmm…I’m pleasantly awake and alert…but I have the taste of stevia in my mouth.  Ick.”


You get about two hours of alertness, plus a lingering feeling of being hydrated.  It’s pleasant.


I prefer Black Cherry Dragonfruit just because I hate the flavor of stevia; if that doesn’t bother you, however, this is a fine post-gym/other strenuous activity energy drink.


KEYWORDS: Sobe Life Water B Energy review, guarana, ginseng

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