Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Review for Nature's Plus Source of Life Energy Shot


88 mg


There is very little consistency in what energy products are carried from health food store to health food store; I don’t think I’ve ever seen the same product carried twice in all the stores I've been to.  Keep dropping into such places as you find them and chances are you might come across it, though it may take a while.


I’m going to give this points for being bold, but I find that with the name of this product being so dang long and the label being inundated with a plethora of text outlining all the things that this shot has that you should put into your body (or lacks that you shouldn’t), the whole thing generally looks badly overloaded and cluttered.


I’m used to energy shots tasting harsh and unpleasant (sigh), but given that this monster carries four freaking ounces of liquid and is supposedly all natural, I would think that they could have made it taste a little more agreeable than this.  The flavor is listed as “tropical fruit” but the whole thing tastes like somebody blended up a couple handfuls of multivitamins and added a few berries for flavor as an afterthought.  It’s vile and unpleasant, and one of the less impressive shots I’ve had tastewise (which is saying quite a bit).


I find that drinks in this particular range of caffeine (70-90 mg) vary more than one might expect; I’ve gotten some pretty impressive results and pretty dismal ones from drinks that contained the same 80 mg of caffeine.  This particular low-caffeine shot produces effects that are obvious enough to be noticed and maybe make me feel a little peppier, but still fall short of what I would personally like to get out of my energy products.


I think I felt this work for about two hours, after which I didn’t crash per se, but did feel strongly like I needed a nap.


Doesn’t work all that well, tastes pretty bad—do you need me to say any more than that?


KEYWORDS: Nature’s Plus Source of Life Energy Shot review, all natural, sugar free

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