Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Review for Amp Energy--Active (Orange)


160 mg


This one seemed to appear overnight—one day I had no idea it even existed, the next I’m seeing it at gas stations, grocery stores, etc….almost everywhere but Wal-Mart and the Amp website.


Amp makes a good-looking can nowadays, much cleaner than their previous getup.  I can’t help but like the simple, clean cut design with orange with black; I saw it from across the gas station and it had me reaching for it but seconds after the fact.


Now, I know what all of you are wondering—is this a recontinuation of the long-discontinued Amp Energy—Relaunch (which discontinuation seemed to piss a lot deal of people off)?  My answer is “kinda.”  It tastes a lot like what Mountain Dew Live Wire would taste like—kind of a heavy orange soda with a cleaner taste and better balance than most, like Fanta.  If this sounds like Relaunch to you, then you might be very happy to see this in stores.

In all honesty, though, I didn’t like it that much.  Amp seems to want you to think that its Active beverages are the rehydration/anti-fatigue drinks of the line, possessing both caffeine and electrolytes.  Well…turns out the electrolytes were added for taste, so I’m not so sure how hydrating it would be, and in any case, the last thing I would reach for in the event that I needed to rehydrate and get a jolt of caffeine is this one—it’s heavy, it’s overly sweet, it’s heavily carbonated, and it’s just not that pleasant; it’s the sort of thing that makes you feel dehydrated after drinking it (I could expound on the whole osmosis thing, but probably not necessary on an energy review blog…).  So if you’re thinking about it for rehydration purposes, don’t get duped.  Check out my reviews for the Monster Rehab line, or even better still, Rockstar Recovery—Energy/Tea/Lemonade.


This is everything you expect from a really sugary energy drink with an average caffeine content—mid-range and jittery.  Really, I’m not all that impressed.


The drink lasted for three hours during which I maintained a fairly steady level of energy.   But once the end rolled around, I became completely useless.  The crash was horrible—even more so because I had drank this early in the morning, and still had much to do.  So, if you like this drink, okay.  But be smart about drinking it; don’t even think about it if you need to be productive for very long.


I can’t argue with you if you’re crazy about orange soda energy drinks, but honestly, I really didn’t like this one.  On top of not tasting all that great, the buzz was pretty mediocre, and the crash served only as the straw that broke the camel’s back in my book.  I’d shy away, but that’s just me.  By the way—if you loved Relaunch, and have had the chance to try this, let me know what you think.  It’s been too long since I’ve had the former to make a legitimate comparison, and I think readers would appreciate one.


KEYWORDS: Amp Energy Active Orange review, electrolytes

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Review for Liquid Nitro Energy Shooter

Some number of months ago, I got into reviewing energy shots.  Not because I liked my first, but I was so underwhelmed that I became committed to finding the perfect shot—one that not only provided formidable energy, but one that tasted really delicious.  After what felt like jillions of 5 Hour Energy clones later, I was ready to give up and stick with the stuff that at least has a chance to taste good—but figured I would review what I had left in my reserves first.

Turns out that glorious energy supplement, that shot to end all shots was waiting there in my closet, and it is the Liquid Nitro Energy Shooter.


200 mg


Far too uncommon.  Found at Circle K stores mostly on the Western seaboard—it needs to be everywhere.


I love that Liquid Nitro went for the big bottle and the bona fide label here, rather than just sticking it in a squat, shrink-wrapped 2 oz. bottle.  The packaging job sets it apart from the rest, and with the simplicity of the Liquid Nitro logo you’ve got a nice-looking shot on your hands—both convenient and attractive.


YES!!!  YES!!!

I can finally say that I love an energy shot.  Liquid Nitro Energy Shooter has to be one of the more delicious energy products I’ve had in quite a while, and is all the more glorious in that it stands out so starkly against the general mediocrity of the energy shot world.  You’ve got a number of fruits listed on the bottle—mangosteen, gooseberry, pomegranate, etc.—but the first time I tried it, it tasted like liquid honeydew melon with some cantaloupe.  The second shot I had was a bit more berry-influenced, but it retained that melony deliciousness that I fell in love with from the first swig.

There is a bit of bitterness to the aftertaste, but after drinking so many shots that seemed to be entirely comprised of bitterness, I’m not inclined to be critical.  This would be a regular purchase for me if only I could find it nearby.


So not only does it taste fantastic, it packs a punch—this was a pretty intense rush of jitter-free energy; the kind that enables you to do just about anything…though I wouldn’t recommend trying to sit still.  This makes you want to be active.


Four hours, no crash.


At last, the search is over—and I’m glad to have embarked on it.  This is bar none the best energy shot I’ve ever had, and if it weren’t for the fact that I review them I don’t think I’d ever touch another shot.  If you’re into shots or not into shots, you need to buy this and try this.  Either way, it’s probably going to make you a convert.

KEYWORDS: Liquid Nitro Energy Shooter review, great taste, diet

Review for Redline Xtreme--Triple Berry

It’s been a couple of months since my last review of a Redline drink, and I’ve started to feel a little uncomfortable about it.  I wasn’t very wise about how I went about consuming it, and I went on a real tirade about it after the fact.  Yesterday, though, I had a thought: “Hey, Brandon…why don’t you actually use one in accordance with the instructions on the label, then report on that, and revise your previous review to reflect how it works when you’re not being stupid?”  I’ve done it, I approve of the product, and I’m ready to really review a Redline energy supplement.


318 mg


This one’s actually found at Wal-Mart (Or at least the version with the blue wrapper is…hey, what’s the difference between the RTD and the Xtreme lines anyway, except for the former contains toothed clubmoss?), though you have to hunt a bit for the other flavors.  Maybe it’s because this one tastes good (kinda).


I’m not big on Redline in red—clad in blue it means business, in red it just seems to be shouting.  And really, it doesn’t need to shout.


Saying “I liked this” might be putting it a bit strong, but it is quite a bit more palpable than other Redline products.  The mix of berries (raspberry, blueberry, strawberry) is pleasant enough; the only thing that brings it down is the harshness of the aftertaste—which is still not so bad as others of the line.


Amazing what happens when you do what the bottle says (and exercise common sense), rather than just doing whatever the freak you happen to feel like.  This is definitely something to be taken before intense exercise or physical exertion; do not for a moment suppose that this is something suitable for your run of the mill, day-to-day droopy eyes.  Half a bottle will give most everyone a serious rush of energy; just remember that it takes about a half hour to get going (I waited 15 minutes and downed the rest of the bottle…which didn’t get me uncomfortably wired like it did the first time I attempted it; perhaps the 15 minutes were all I needed.  All the same, be careful).


A half-bottle lasts five hours, after which there is no crash to speak of (The whole bottle, incidentally, will last you ten.  Like I said, that is not something I recommend.).


Well, if you’re going to go Redline, go with the berry flavor.  And obey the instructions on the label for optimum satisfaction/safety.

KEYWORDS: Redline Xtreme Triple Berry review, zero carb, zero calorie, zero sugar, high potency, workout supplement

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Review for Great Value Energy Drink Enhancer--Cherry Limeade


50 mg/serving (1 tsp.)


I can find the other flavors at every Wal-Mart I visit, but for whatever reason, I only see these at every other store…which isn’t a problem unless you live somewhere like the Appalachian Mountains.


I’m a sucker for bottles like these—so much energy in so portable a receptacle.  The design on the wrapper is obviously Wal-Mart brand, but I’m not so inclined to take points off just because it doesn’t look as nice.


Didn’t like this one quite as much as the others—the cherry tastes alright, the lime is a nice afterthought; problem I have with it is that both taste fake.  And no, I can’t really say that the other Great Value flavors were convincing, but they at least tasted good enough that I was willing got look past it.  This flavor just seems to embrace the fakeness—it’s fake, it knows it, and it doesn’t care.


If you’ve had the opportunity to compare both Mio and Great Value Energy water enhancers, you know about what to expect—Wal-Mart’s take works about as well as Mio in smaller doses, but the more servings you add, the less you get compared to Mio.  Significant doses:

Two servings (1 teaspoon) will administer 100 mg of caffeine; which should be enough to get you through most day-to-day stuff. 7/10

Three servings (1½ teaspoons) will give you 150 mg of caffeine—and a bit less energy than the same amount of Mio; think about what you’d get from most Monster beverages.  8/10

Four servings (2 teaspoons) will give you 200 mg of caffeine, and through that a thorough boost that will get you through most standard energy-requiring situations. 8.5/10

A few more servings will get you quite a rush, and that’s okay as long as you’re willing to drink all the water you need to dilute it enough to make it palpable.


Two servings last three hours, for a 7/10; three servings lasts just shy of three and a half hours for a decent 8/10; four servings lasts four hours for a 9/10.


Love the portability and versatility, but I’m really not all that wowed by the flavor.  Stick with other flavors from the brand if you like the value—or if you really want your water additive to be outstanding, get Mio Energy—Black Cherry.


KEYWORDS: Great Value Energy Cherry Limeade review, Wal-Mart brand water enhancer review, zero carbs, zero calories, zero sugar, diet

Monday, January 21, 2013

Review for Great Value Energy Drink Enhancer--Berry Blast


50 mg/serving (1 tsp.)


At every Wal-Mart I’ve been to thus far.


Full marks for being handy; point knocked off simply because Mio looks better.  Another thought: why the heck are half of all berry energy products (or otherwise) “berry blast?”


Flavor is reasonably pleasant—you’ve got your blueberries, your strawberries, your raspberries, etc.  It’s all a berry lover could ask for in a drink enhancer.  One word of warning, though; this is not especially forgiving when it comes to the water:additive ratio—one bit too much water and it’s bland, one bit to little and it tastes like you’re drinking the concentrate straight out of the bottle.


Same story here as either of the other Great Value Energy water enhancers—they perform about as well as Mio in smaller doses, but as you go up the differences between the two become exaggerated, and soon you’re using two glasses to get the same rush from Great Value that you could have gotten from one glass of Mio.  Significant doses:

Two servings (1 teaspoon) will administer 100 mg of caffeine; which should be enough to get you through most day-to-day stuff. 7/10

Three servings (1½ teaspoons) will give you 150 mg of caffeine—and a bit less energy than the same amount of Mio; think about what you’d get from most Monster beverages.  8/10

Four servings (2 teaspoons) will give you 200 mg of caffeine, and through that a thorough boost that will get you through most standard energy-requiring situations. 8.5/10

Add a couple more servings to that and you get into the really high-intensity territory—and the high water consumption territory, which often leads to you wandering to bathroom territories.


Two servings last three hours, for a 7/10; three servings lasts just shy of three and a half hours for a decent 8/10; four servings lasts four hours for a 9/10.


Overall, this is a decent product.  Still not as enthused as I was with Mio Energy—Black Cherry, but I’ve got one more flavor to review.  We’ll see where that leads.


KEYWORDS: Great Value Energy Berry Blast review, Wal-Mart brand water enhancer review, zero carbs, zero calories, zero sugar, diet

Review for Great Value Energy Drink Enhancer--Strawberry Kiwi


50 mg/serving (1/2 teaspoon)


Just head to Wal-Mart!


Great Value gets full functional points for having the whole “handy squeeze bottle” thing down; Mio still has it beat for having the more striking look.  A extra point is taken off for the combination of these particular shades of green and pink—a combination which I particularly dislike.


I opened my bottle of this drink enhancer fully ready for a tirade.  Not that I have all that much an issue with the Great Value brand; my entire medicine cabinet consists of their products—but, Mio Energy—Black Cherry has managed establish itself as one of my all-time favorite energy products, and I was ready to assert its superiority over a competitor with pathologic zeal…never mind the fact that that I’ve never had a problem with anything they’ve put out before.

Turns out, however, that this does just fine, in taste and (see below) performance.  The strawberry kiwi flavor is actually quite pleasant—even if it could use a little more kiwi in the oft-derived combination.  You may have to experiment a little to find the right balance of water to enhancer—but this particular product is a little more forgiving in that regard than its Berry Blast counterpart.


Good marks here for overall versatility; only reason I take a point of is that you need much more water to make higher doses taste good, which in combination with the diuretic effects of caffeine can cause some inconveniences.  Significant doses:

Two servings (1 teaspoon) will give you 100 mg of caffeine; enough put a spring in your step and help you feel a degree of alertness appropriate enough for studying or general duties.  7/10

Three servings (1½ teaspoons) will give you 150 mg of caffeine—and a bit less energy than three servings of Mio.  Winds up to be about average.  8/10

Four servings (2 teaspoons) will give you 200 mg of caffeine—and here you really start to notice that it doesn’t perform quite as well as Mio.  Still, it’s a decent boost that will get you through most standard energy-requiring situations. 8.5/10

Additional doses will eventually get you pretty wired, though like Mio, you never really feel jittery.  If you do decide to go that route, make sure you aren’t where you can’t go to the bathroom for extended periods, because you will need all that much more water to make it work flavorwise.


Two servings last three hours, for a 7/10; three servings lasts just shy of three and a half hours for a decent 8/10; four servings lasts four hours for a 9/10.


In conclusion, this isn’t Mio—but it’s still a pretty decent product, with double the servings (but less caffeine per dose) at about 75 cents less.  Try it and see if you like it; remember to comment below.


KEYWORDS: Great Value Energy Strawberry Kiwi review, Wal-Mart brand water enhancer review, zero carbs, zero calories, zero sugar, diet

Review for Maxxed Energy Pop


40 mg


Obtained in a trade.  Thank you Mr. Boots!


This is a cool freaking packaging job.  I can think of few things that would hype me up about an energy sucker than finding out that each individual sucker has been placed in its own energy drink can-esque cardboard tube—that’s just cool!  Now, in saying this I have revealed that I’m easily swayed by these sorts of gimmicks—but I don’t care.  This is still a cool freaking packaging job.


As far as the actual experience…this was a weird sucker.  The flavor’s lemon-lime, plus some other fruits, and it really tastes alright.  But…I don’t get what the need was to make this sucker so gritty.  There are little granules of something in here that made it feel like the sucker was made of coarse sandpaper—and it was really, really weird, and a little unpleasant.  I’m glad I had the heads-up on this so I could be careful, but there was still one little area on the roof of my mouth just behind my two front teeth that was in constant contact with the sucker during the fact—and it felt scraped and raw for a few days after the fact.  Consume with caution.


I don’t know that it was so much the caffeine in this sucker that woke me up as it was eating a cat-tongue sucker—but in any event, I didn’t have any troubles with falling asleep as long as it was in my mouth.


Effects only lasted a half-hour after I finished the pop before I got ready for bed and had no troubles falling asleep.  Still, it was nice while it lasted.


This is the sort of thing you try for the sake of experiencing it—kind of like surströmming, except it’s not fermented Baltic herring.  Judging by the fact that I can’t find the website anywhere I’m guessing this has been discontinued, but if you do happen upon this, do give it a shot.

WEBSITE: not available

KEYWORDS: Maxxed Energy Pop review, energy sucker review, coarse texture

Review for Mad Croc


80 mg


My travels have demonstrated that this is uncommon, but, once again, this was obtained through a trade with the editor-in-chief of (which is without a doubt my favorite energy drink review site to go to)—so really, I have no way of knowing for sure.


Red Bull, Roaring Lion, Mad Croc…this sort of thing gets a bit tiring.  The crocodile on the front is a cool enough mascot, but from everything here I know I’m going to get another Red Bull clone…and I’m kinda tired of Red Bull clones in general.  So, Mad Croc, if you turn out to be an RBC, as I’m anticipating, you’d better be a good one.  Otherwise, I’m going to be grumpy.

Side note—I must admit…this particular can screams “Red Bull cone) far less than the can it came in when it first came out, which was such an obvious ripoff that they were sued by Red Bull.  Check it out here.


I’m grumpy.

This is your standard RBC—except gummier, and with a slight hint of vanilla.  I actually didn’t mind the vanilla…but this is such an ordinary clone that after the first sip I just rolled my eyes and pounded the rest of the can.


Not the most formidable boost I’ve ever experienced by a long shot.  Might wake you up enough to help you study, but you’re going to need something a heck of a lot stronger for most anything else.


Two and a half hours of below average energy, slight crash after the fact.


The only thing this drink really has going for itself is the cool name, otherwise it’s just a standard RBC that has done nothing to really merit consumer attention.


KEYWORDS: Mad Croc energy drink review, Red Bull clone, traditional energy drink flavor

Review for Liquid Nitro--Tropical Storm


160 mg


Liquid Nitro isn’t very common as a general rule, but it is starting to pop up at more and more locations.  When it hits Idaho, you’ll be the first to know.


I can’t say I really get what Liquid Nitro trying to do with this new design—I mean, I can say it’s kind of a shift from its former Red Bull-esque, minimalist motif to a more hardcore, Monster-esque look, but I don’t know that I really get the combination of the lightning ball/Klingon bat'leth they used here…I guess it looks alright, and that’s all they really care about.


More often than not, I’m not into really sugary energy drinks.  My favorites (with a few exceptions) are mostly low carb or low calorie or whatever you want to call it, but on occasion I do find a decent sugary energy drink.  My personal favorite is still Monster Energy—Heavy Metal, but this one is not shabby at all.  The flavor is exactly what you’d expect—a blend of tropical fruits, all homogenized to the point where very few (pineapple, guava, etc.) are really distinct, but regardless taste good enough that I wouldn’t mind trying it again at some future point.


It seems that “the high end of average” is becoming the new average—not that I mind, but I am getting a bit tired of reporting this degree of energy.  You won’t be short on alertness or jitters, but if you’re looking for something remarkable kickwise this isn’t the way to go.


Three and a half hours passed before the sugar crash came—which wasn’t the worst I’ve ever had, but still wasn’t terribly agreeable.


Tastes good, kick’s decent…if you’re a fan of sugary Rockstars or Monsters or any other number of drinks on the market today, you’ll like this one.  Even if you’re not…well, it still tastes good enough to try at least once.

KEYWORDS: Liquid Nitro Tropical Storm energy drink review, new Liquid Nitro flavor review, tropical fruit, super fruit

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Review for Kick Ass Energy


100 mg


Very popular, apparently, in the Denver area—but seeing as I don’t live there, it’s tough to come by.  Special thanks to BigRedBoots at for the sample, especially considering that these aren’t cheap!


I appreciate the company that put out this shot, mostly because I think they come out with some decent hot sauces.  All ploys used in packaging their hot sauces are used here with the same positive effect, inducing within me a healthy mix of eagerness and respect for the fact that this is probably not going to be a mild flavor experience.


My feelings on the flavor here are profoundly mixed.  First thing that I get when I open the bottle was a scent with a nice spicy bite—and seeing as I love spicy, I’m eager to take a swig.  The first little bit did not impress me—kind of a vague fruity flavor that I couldn’t place.   But then, a second flavor takes over—that of red pepper jelly.

Let me tell you, there is almost nothing in the food world I love more than red pepper jelly—especially with those light air crackers and cream cheese.  If common sense didn’t restrain me, I think that, sushi, and a few other items would be all I ate.

In summary, Kick Ass Energy barely misses becoming the perfect energy shot.  If I could do away with that initial fruity taste that defaces the rest of the experience, I would be jumping off the walls for joy right now.


Actually, the 100 mg here deliver a fairly respectable kick, all things considered.  It got me awake quite quickly after a long night of studying, and had me buzzing about my business as though I had gotten to bed and arisen early.


Three and a half hours—no crash!


Again—this comes so freaking close to being one of the best energy products I’ve ever had—I’m just so put off by the blah fruitiness I tasted at first that it’s hard to think about how I enjoyed the rest of it.  Still, if you get the chance, please do try it—it’s worth it, even with the $4.99 price tag.


KEYWORDS: Kick Ass energy shot review, Kick Ass energy drink review, low carb

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Review for E-Motion Energy Shot


Not certain; my guess is about 200 mg


Got mine in a trade with BigRedBoots (, who earns my sincere thanks for the chance to review this but did not say how easy it was for him to get it…not that I asked, and not that it’s that important.


Almost always, I get excited when I see larger bottles like this, because more often than not they’re the ones that taste better—not good, at least not in my experience (yet…), but better.  The small, 2 oz. shrink-wrapped ones, however…well, they almost always taste like a cough syrup experiment gone amuck.  So the big bottle’s a plus, and the sleek look is a plus; the only thing that really irked me was the lack of caffeine content on the bottle.


You a fan of NX energy drinks but like the compactness of shots?  Well you are in luck—because this tastes exactly like an NX energy drink.  Now, for those of you who have not read one of my reviews on NX, I am a bit of a dissident in the energy review world for my thoughts on it—whereas most reviewers have had many a favorable thing to say about them, I have a very difficult time getting through a bottle.  It’s not like the flavor in and of itself is bad; it’s the aroma makes me sick to my stomach—almost like getting hit with a whiff of rotten fruit every time I try to take a sip.  Same problem here…taste isn’t all that bad, but the stench of decaying mangos makes this very difficult for me to enjoy.


That said, it was almost worth it to get through the bottle to experience the kick—this is a nice, solid boost, and for the most part strong enough for just about any day-to-day energy requiring situation…be it the gym, school, driving, or going from store to store for about three hours looking for yarn with your wife to make the hats she sells in her online store (or any combination of three of those).  (Side note: the shot contains an antioxidant blend.  I don’t think that really means anything, but the company would probably appreciate it if I were thorough in my coverage of their shot.)


Four rock-solid hours—no crash!  (Can you tell I’m enthused about this?)


Well, the taste really leaves something to be desired, but as I said, most other reviewers really liked this flavor, and that aside; Immunotec has demonstrated that they really know how to make a product that kicks.  Try it out if you can find it nearby, and let me know what you think.


KEYWORDS: E-Motion Energy Shot review, Emotion Energy Shot review, zero carbs, zero calories, zero sugar, diet

Review for E6 Energy Strips--Tropical


40 mg/strip, 80 mg/serving


Uncommon—most consumers aren’t terribly impressed with the $4.99 price tag, and as a result stores tend not to be impressed with sales.


I think “overpackaged” is a good word here; I wish they’d stuck the strips in envelopes (Sheets style) and left it at that, rather than go the three layer route before we can get to the strips.


Not really wild about this one—it’s got the same leathery texture and harsh taste as the cinnamon-flavored strips, but unlike the latter there’s no agreeable aftertaste to redeem the initial experience; I could taste that they were at least trying to go the tropical route, but in the end it wasn’t convincing or agreeable enough to be enjoyable.


The standard serving doesn’t convey a lot by way of energy, though I did find myself popping in two sheets before I exercised while the cassette lasted.  It’s good for a boost, but you’re probably going to have to really load up on them if you want to stay awake.


Two and a half hours, no crash.


I wasn’t wild about these; even if you like energy strips you’re better going off with the cinnamon flavor.  If you can get these on sale, I suppose they are alright when it comes to cheap, portable energy—though Mio Energy—Black Cherry is still my favorite in that regard.


KEYWORDS: E6 Tropical Energy Strips review, zero carbs, zero calories, zero sugar, diet

Review for E6 Energy Strips--Cinnamon


40 mg/strip, 80 mg/serving


Pretty scarce—only was able to get them at one gas station locally, and for a while I just passed them over—I wasn’t about to pay $4.99 for a single pack, and from what I saw, neither was anybody else.  Shortly after, however, they brought the price down to $1.99 just so they could get rid of them—so needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity.


Cool looking, if a bit excessive.  The pack of gum-sized box is reasonably handy, and they probably should have left it at that; but that contains a foil-wrapped plastic card, which in turn contains the small cassette that actually contains the strips.  It was kind of like opening a wrapped Christmas present that contains another wrapped Christmas present that contains another wrapped Christmas present—only less amusing.


Mixed feelings on this one.  First thing that bothers me is the texture—when I stuck this one in my mouth, I felt like I had just put a thin strip of flavored leather in my mouth, and it needed to be chewed before it would dissolve to any appreciable degree (not pleasant).  Second thing is the initial flavor—when the strip/strip-derived muck is in your mouth, it tastes harsh and not very good.  However, once you swallow that, you’re left with a very pleasant residual cinnamon flavor that lasts a decent while after the fact.  If only for that, I approved.


Seeing as the box identifies a serving as two strips, I figured I would base my review on that.  The energy boost from the 80 mg provided wasn’t all that spectacular—just enough to make exercise a bit easier.  Wouldn’t depend on these for anything where staying awake is imperative (driving, etc.).


Duration was about two and a half hours, with no crash to report.


Not the best energy product in the world, but not the worst either.  Worth trying at least once if you’re into this sort of thing.


KEYWORDS: E6 Energy Strips review