Monday, May 27, 2013

Review for Monster Energy--Ultra Blue


140 mg


When I first reviewed this, it was already found everywhere except, apparently, the 100-freaking mile radius around Rexburg, Idaho—which is where I live.  It was really irritating to have to have a family member bring a can of the new Monster Energy drink I’ve been dying to review from outside the freaking site, but now, fortunately, it is everywhere, including the local Wal-Mart (the standard for a 10/10 in this category).


Sorry that the pic of the can isn’t that great; I couldn’t find the camera but needed to put something up.  In any event, this can (while appealing) lacks the class of Zero Ultra.  I do like the color and the textured can, and the paisley/frost pattern actually stars off as a nice touch.  My issue is with the miniscule Monster M’s branching off from the terminal portions of the pattern—it’s not subtle enough to be clever and just winds up being incredibly cheesy.  Other than that…kudos.


You know, this is a pretty darn good energy drink.  It wasn’t my favorite at first—but the more I have it, the more I like it.  In any event, this has the same mellow, not-so-sweet approach as Zero Ultra (go figure), but with a grapefruit flavor profile that emboldens the overall experience and benefits surprisingly from the toning-down, considering the fact that it’s the fruit’s intensity that draws most people to it.  I certainly recommend giving it a try if curious; I’d say there’s a good chance that this might be another hit like unto Zero Ultra.


One thing I take issue with when it comes to this and Zero Ultra (and Ultra Red…yeah, I’m revising this review to be a little more thorough) is the fact that a single can does not provide the intensity of most of my favorite Monster beverages—it’s more along the lines of average than slightly above.  Drink one and you’ll be awake—not especially wired, just awake.  It’s passable, but for a real boost I’d drink two.


Got at least three hours out of a single can, with no crash.


My verdict: this is certainly a tasty beverage, and for that alone is worth trying.  The kick will absolutely do the job but is definitely towards the south border of what I consider to be a comfortable energy boost in terms of intensity, but once again, just drink two freaking cans if you’re worried about that.

KEYWORDS: Monster Ultra Blue energy drink review, zero carbs, zero calories, zero sugar, diet


  1. I love this stuff. My local grocer is running a sale on monster drinks atm and low and behold, after 2 days, all the zero ultra and ultra blues were sold out. Oh well, Absolute Zero will have to be subbe in for the time being.

  2. There's an ultra red comming out! Someone has a full can on ebay right now.
