Sunday, May 19, 2013

Review for Rockstar Energy Water--Tropical Citrus


200 mg


Not a frequent sight at larger chains, but just hit up the nearest gas station and you’re almost guaranteed to find it.


Black and yellow might not be my favorite color combination, but ni modo—aesthetically the motif is bold and effective; functionally it’s as practical as one could ask for, with the caffeine content prominently displayed and the wide-mouthed bottle making for easy drinking.  Nothing here that I haven’t commented on with the other two flavors.


The tropical citrus flavor doesn’t give me a whole lot to write about here—the taste is about what you would expect, just an amalgamation of miscellaneous tropical fruits.  You get your pineapple, you get your passion fruit, you get your mango—nothing disagreeable, but at the same time fairly ordinary.


As much as it was a bummer to get so ordinary a flavor out of the beverage, it was quickly forgotten as I began to feel the effects of this beverage.  The kick rocks—I can’t think of a more appropriate way to put it.  It is an appropriately intense experience, given the 200 mg of caffeine, but what makes it stand out is that it is so smooth and jitter-free that I’ve been using it as a standard against which I’ve measured subsequent beverages.  In the end, it’s the quality of the buzz that wins me over, rather than the intensity alone.


Smoothest four-hour buzz of my life, culminating sans crash.


While the flavor could use some work, the kick is such that you’d be hard-pressed to go wrong by picking one of these up.  Skeptical as I am about high-caffeine hydration beverages, it is still refreshing and extremely invigorating, and going this route (plus a healthy quantity of Gatorade, just to be sure) following intense physical activity is something I can easily recommend.


KEYWORDS: Rockstar Energy Water Tropical Citrus review, zero carb, zero sugar, diet, hydration, electrolytes

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