Thursday, November 15, 2012

Review for Odwalla Tropical Energy


The only definitive amount of caffeine listed is 15 mg—from the green tea extract.  I don’t believe for a second that that’s all that’s in there, as this is positively loaded with yerba mate extract in addition to the green tea extract—and it works, something that no drink containing 15 milligrams of caffeine can say.  Read on.


Hit-and-miss.  Lots of places carry Odwalla products, but I only see this one every so often.  Keep your eyes open long enough and you can probably find a place where you can get it regularly.


Odwalla bottles are relatively nice-looking—when I think of something healthy drink-wise, I think of a bottle of Odwalla.  My only complaint here is that this should be made to pop a bit—let us see some pride out of your energy-supplying product!  As is, this stands a good chance of fading in amongst the rest of the brightly colored juices and their flashy labels.


You like tropical juice?  You’ll love Odwalla Tropical Energy.  It tastes exactly like a homogeny of tropical fruits should—fresh, clean, and without that icky processed quality that a lot of fruit juices have.  If only for the taste, I’d pick it up….


…But, in addition to being tasty, it works.  This isn’t a terribly serious beverage, mind you, but it will pep you up long enough to get through a class or two (personal experience).


Two and half to three hours—no crash.


Not shabby at all for a company that doesn’t exactly specialize in energy drinks.  It’s good enough and healthy enough that if I could find this more often, I’d be happy to come to it for a moderate boost more frequently—even at the price.


KEYWORDS: Odwalla Tropical Energy review, serious energy, healthy energy

1 comment:

  1. its the healthiest option to those nasty energy drinks. im always on the hunt for this one.
