Sunday, July 31, 2011

Review for Golazo


100 mg


I’ve only ever seen Golazo once in the course of my travels; by and large it’s pretty obscure.  Until more locations decide it's worth selling, good luck finding this.


First off, the look would not be bad if they worked on the color scheme a little bit.  The Mexican golden eagle with the rattlesnake in its beak, the name “Golazo”, the soccer dude and the slogan (“Born to Score”) work well enough, but pick different shades of green and/or white (preferably both)!  Alone, either is bad, but together, it’s worse.  That out of the way, I do like the concept—bold and exciting, the ambition of the drink is evident in the very name of it—“Golazo”—utilizing the Spanish word “Gol” (‘goal’, the kind one would score in a soccer game) and the suffix “–azo” (used to indicate something that is exceptionally impressive), the drink managed to catch my attention in such a way that I was expecting to be impressed.


My first impression, i.e. the smell that hit me just after I had opened the can, left me rather concerned—the scent was recognizably mango, but sour and almost pungent—not the kind I came to know and love on the coasts of Guatemala.  Then you taste it, and yikes—it’s as bad as it smells.  Short of unbearable, but still far from good, or even remotely pleasant.  The mango taste is unconvincing and horribly watered down, and badly marred by the presence of extract from the leaves of Stevia rebaudina—a natural sweetener so strong that it most definitely has the potential to be weaponized.  You use more than can fit on the head of a pin to sweeten whatever you are drinking, and the seemingly innocuous ingredient (do you honestly expect a sweetener to be vicious?) bares its teeth and attacks, hewing down your taste buds with the scythe of an awful and overpowering aftertaste unique to stevia (to understand it you have to try it, I can’t describe it; but it’s not something I recommend…from experience, you could very well die).


In this respect, Golazo shoots and indeed scores—for toting only 100 mg of caffeine (compare to a mainstream drink like Rockstar or Monster Energy, which pack 160 mg each), it delivers quite a kick (subtle soccer pun).  Sitting here writing this, it’s kind of hard to hit the right keys or hit them as lightly as I normally do—it’s got me reasonably wired and moderately shaky—and is perfect if you’re needing a pick-me-up in the middle of the big game.  (Just don’t drink it if you’re dehydrated…while Golazo will quench your thirst, caffeine is a potent diuretic and has the potential to make the matter worse.)


Golazo likewise made an impression on me in terms of duration of efficacy; it kept me going rather consistently for a few hours before it wore down with a recognizable crash at the finish, the effects of which were temporary.


While the potency of the beverage was commendable, you’ve still got quite an ordeal ahead of you in terms of taste to get those results.  For this I really can't bring myself to recommend it, but taste is subjective, and I must admit Golazo did leave quite an impression in my mind in terms of the fantastic kick delivered vs. the comparatively low quantity of caffeine, an impression which, like the flavor but for opposite reasons, I am not likely to forget anytime soon.


KEYWORDS: Golazo Energy Drink review, sports energy, all natural, Stevia rebaudina

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Review for NOS--Grape


260 mg/16 oz. can
359 mg/22 oz. bottle


Less common than the original, more so than the Fruit Punch, Charged Citrus, or Loaded Cherry flavors.  Balances out to being fairly customary in terms of commonality.


The NOS—Grape can follows the same basic layout as all drinks in the NOS line, just with a different color scheme.  Given the fact that I typically favor drinks clad in purple, it shouldn't come as a surprise that I like the can that NOS—Grape comes in.  It’s a kind of purple different from most that I’ve seen (electric purple), and it manages to make even that obnoxious yellow look good.  And let me tell you, it looks especially good when it’s fresh out of the refrigerator, with a fine coat of condensation covering the entirety of it…gives me the chills just thinking about it.  The bottle features a different, more standard shade of purple, which is actually not quite as aesthetically pleasing, and is not complemented by the shade of blue the bottle employs.  So…kudos to the can, the bottle…not so much.


Not quite enough to win me over as a convert, but it still tastes alright.  It’s got pleasant texture to it (moderately thick, reasonably smooth, with just the right degree of tartness to it) with just a hint of something that reminds me of the traditional energy drink flavor, but not quite.  Not quite sure how to describe it, but whatever it is, it works.

16 OZ. CAN


I don’t think NOS actually knows how to make a weak energy drink—doubt they’ve even tried; what do you think was going through their heads when they decided to stick 260 mg of caffeine into a 16 oz. beverage?  Anyway, point is, the stuff works exceptionally well, delivering as much as could realistically be asked of an energy drink.


Once NOS—Grape (or any NOS beverage, really) gets you going, you can expect to stay that way for a while.  It takes about five or six hours after drinking it for it to wear off to any appreciable extent, and I honestly didn’t notice too much of a crash at all after the fact.


There’s no denying that the energy boost NOS—Grape delivers is fantastic, and for that reason I feel comfortable recommending it.  The flavor’s not going to please every palate (although it is better than most grape drinks), but given the kick it delivers, this one fault appears minor indeed.



Kick you get out of the bottle is marginally stronger than the can, but not so different for me to get particularly excited.  But once again, NOS delivers in terms of longevity….


Again, you can expect more as long as you haven’t had two bottles of NOS in the previous 72 hours, but even if you got only 8 hours of energy out of this (as I did), wouldn’t it be worth it all the same?


I like energy more than I do grape soda-esque beverages, and NOS—Grape in a bottle has energy to spare.  And if you do like these grape-inspired beverages…well, NOS—Grape’s 22 oz. bottle should be a no-brainer.


KEYWORDS: NOS Grape Energy Drink review, high performance, NOS Grape 16 oz. can review, NOS Grape 22 oz. bottle review, 16 ounces, 22 ounces

Review for Xenergy Mango Guava Premium


200 mg


Not the easiest to come by unless you know where to look.  You actually have to make a point of looking for it, because hoping to stumble across it won't get you anywhere, as it would with other energy drinks.


Xyience does about as good a job as you can ask for in terms of packaging while baring as much aluminum as possible.  I like the simplicity of the design, I like that it’s unique, and in this case I like the colors, but there’s always that connection in my mind of silver cans and watery sugar free drinks, which leads to a bit of a bias on my part.


Tastes about as real as you could ask for (mangos and guavas), as with the others, but the artificial sweetener aftertaste is pretty prominent here, which takes away from the experience as a whole.


Definitely one of the more intense of the Xenergy drinks I’ve had so far.  It’s a good, strong kick, with plenty of jitters towards the beginning and a nice heightened alertness after the fact.


The drink’s formidability with respect to intensity is perfectly matched by its duration, which should keep you going about as long as you could realistically ask for.  Given how hard it hits and how long it keeps you going, the crash after the fact is almost understandable.


If you don’t mind artificial sweeteners and like the flavor of mango and guava, this is definitely your drink.  If you need a drink with a substantial kick that will keep you going and not give out before the job is done, this might also be your drink.  And, if you are counting calories, you have nothing to lose in drinking it.  Even if it’s not my favorite, this is still an all-around solid energy drink.


KEYWORDS: Xenergy Mango Guava Premium Energy Drink review, authentic taste, official UFC energy drink, low carb, zero calories, sugar free

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Review for Xenergy Cran Razz Premium


200 mg


Hit and miss.  You’ll find most Xyience products in clusters, so there’s not really one that’s more common than the other.


Still not wild about the aluminum, but the simplicity of the design with the spheres and bar codes and what not are growing on me.  Other than that, the design is dependent upon the colors of the spheres, which I like in this case.


This is one of those Raiders of the Lost Ark-style beverages—the more I drink it, the more I like it, and the more my previous assessment seems inadequate.  It does actually taste like real cranberries and raspberries, but wisely understates the profound tartness of the cranberries, which could very easily prove distracting from the flavor itself.  It is a bold, full-bodied, and well-rounded flavor, and something I could easily see myself drinking on a fairly regular basis.


In terms of strength, I find very little lacking in Cran Razz Premium.  The thing that I find most impressive, however, is the fact that there’s so little wasted here—this isn’t a drink conducive to erratic, wanton buzzing.  It lies more on the functional end of the spectrum—when you need to get a lot done and don’t have the energy to do it, this is exactly the sort of drink you want to have handy.


Consistent with my previous experiences with Xyience products, the energy effect is quite long lasting—perfect, in my mind, for a long day of studying or writing a research paper on fetal alcohol syndrome, or for getting through a heck of a busy day at the clinic where you work…whatever you happen to be doing at the time.


Given my experience with Xenergy Cran Razz Premium, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if we started to see Xyience break apart the mainstream energy drink monopoly and establish itself as part of the norm.  The flavor of this drink is fantastic, the kick especially effective, and, to top it all off, does all this without loading you with calories.  This is about as real an experience as an energy drink’s going to give you—if you are able to do so, I highly recommend you giving it the opportunity to work its wonders.

KEYWORDS: Xenergy Cran Razz Premium Energy Drink review, authentic taste, official UFC energy drink, low carb, zero calories, sugar free

Monday, July 18, 2011

Review for NOS--Fruit Punch


260 mg/16 oz. can
359 mg/22 oz. bottle


So you’re probably wondering why I’m reviewing one of the variants of an original before I review the original, which is not a habit of mine—well, it’s because around here, every retailer seems to be trying to get rid of the NOS Fruit Punch flavor as quick as they can to make room for something that will sell better.  Finally found a place that carried cans that wouldn’t expire in three days, so I picked it up so as to be able to review it at a later time.  And here I am, reviewing it on a later date as it becomes increasingly scarce.


I like the red with the standard NOS template, but there’s something I find quite disagreeable about that shade of yellow with the red on the can…or maybe it's just the yellow.  I don’t know what it is…for some reason it just doesn’t work in my mind.  Still, it looks alright if you hold it such that you don’t see that antagonistic yellow shade in back.  The bottle doesn’t have that problem, and for that gets an extra point.  And for being in that awesome bottle.


Much better than some of the fruit punch drinks I’ve had—not quite as sweet, decidedly less gummy, with a little more emphasis on the sour than most.  Still not quite enough to win me as a convert…but hey, I’ve got Venom Energy—Death Adder for that.

16 OZ. CAN


It’s…intense.  They’re not kidding when they call this a “High Performance” energy drink.  It was kind of slow to get started, but once I was going, I did have the impression of being in a Lamborghini doing 200 down the interstate from Pocatello to Twin Falls.  Something interesting was that the tiredness was still present, but only in the same way a guy being dragged behind the Lamborghini by a rope around his ankles screaming effeminately at the top of his lungs is still present.  Eventually lost it, though, and from that point there was no stopping me.


NOS—Fruit Punch has some pretty impressive mileage (okay, no more vehicular references…until the next NOS product review, at least)…it kept me going for a good five hours at least before I started to burn out.  There was a bit of a crash at the end there, but nothing especially out of the ordinary.


Lovers of the run-of-the-mill fruit punch flavor, rejoice!  This is your drink.  Even if you don’t, the flavor is still passable, and it's a drink that's definitely worth taking down if you really need something hardcore to keep you going…I can guarantee it will do at least that much.



I got the same effect from this bottle as I did the bottle of the original—very intense, but not insanely so.  Fortunately, it’s got the longevity thing going for it also.


I drank this only a few days after the bottle of the original, so I was a little desensitized to the caffeine—I got only 8 hours out of it.  Frick, listen to me—EIGHT HOURS.  Even if I wasn’t certain that it’ll deliver the same effect as the original as long as you’re not taking them down one day after the other, that’s still a lot of energy!  So…unless you’re really going overboard on the caffeine as of late, as I was, anticipate a full day of energy.


I’m thinking I’ll be averaging the 10+ rating as I would an 11, but I might change my mind about that in the future.  Bottom line: this is a very potent bevarage with a singularly long-lived kick.  Like fruit punch as much as you do energy?  Freak, get a bottle of NOS—Fruit Punch already!


KEYWORDS: NOS Fruit Punch Energy Drink review, high performance, NOS Fruit Punch 16 oz. can review, NOS Fruit Punch 22 oz. bottle review, 16 ounces, 22 ounces

Review for Monster Nitrous--Black Ice


135 mg


Not a lot of locations carry Monster Nitrous—Black Ice, significantly fewer than those that carry the other three.  Given how long I’ve seen the others sitting on the shelves, I’m guessing they’re wary about having another Nitrous product collecting dust on their shelves forever.  Plan on having to hunt it down.


Same Monster Nitrous template, except with a background that’s their most chaotic yet—dark and light blues in a pattern that reminiscent of a blizzard.  This sort of thing is good when your slogan is “Unleash the Nitro Beast”going by the packaging alone,  one almost feels inclined to believe that it may do just that.


As will all Nitrous products, opening the battery-shaped 12-oz can produced an alarming, borderline violent release of pressure…I will weep if Monster releases another Nitrous product; I just know that one day I will pick up a can that somebody has shaken up and will lose my hand when I open it.  But I digress.  Took my first sip, and…wow.  This stuff is way good; light years better than I ever thought a zero calorie drink would manage to be.  The taste is of raspberries (whether blue or not, I have no idea…is there actually a difference between the flavor of blue and red raspberries?), in all of their tart, delectable glory—every bit as real as though they had been macerated and put straight into the can with a shot of caffeine.  And you know that annoying artificial sweetener taste you get with a lot of those other sugar free/zero calorie/whatever drinks?  Hardly any to speak ofthat trademark Monster Nitrous smoothness takes over before any such aftertaste can have an appreciable effect.  Well played, Monster Energy Company…very well played….


The kick isn’t precisely stellar; as with many it just takes you to the point of being decidedly awake, which is sometimes all you really need.  Might not be my first choice if I’m looking for something really stout, but for most everything else it will still do a satisfactory job.


Longevity was above the arbitrary average, even though I’m starting to find that more and more drinks are above said average—I may need to raise the bar a bit.  All the same, the drink has nothing to be ashamed of in this regard, and I’d trust it to keep me going in most situations where I need a reasonably long-lasting boost.


To sum things up, Monster Nitrous—Black Ice is unquestionably the best of the Monster Nitrous line.  The flavor is spectacular, even for a Nitrous drink, and it delivers a reasonably effective kick, especially compared to the rest.  This is one I'd really love to be able to find as easily as most other Monster Energy products.


KEYWORDS: Monster Nitrous Black Ice Energy Drink review, nitrous oxide, extra strength nitrous technology, zero calories, zero sugar, sugar free

Review for Xenergy Cherry Lime Premium


200 mg


Not easy to find, but still short of being difficult to find.  Only one chain of gas stations around here carries it, and that only half the time, but it’s still a major chain, which by and large balances it out.


Never been a real fan of the extensive display of aluminum—always makes me think of words/phrases like "watered down" and "tasteless."  Xyience tries to make the template look nice, with some success, but even what colors they have don’t especially wow me—the particular shades of green and red just look way too old person décor-ish for my tastes.


I have very mixed feelings for the taste.  On one hand, it actually tastes real to a degree—how often do you get a drink that actually seems to try to taste like what’s written on the can (outside of the Xenergy line)?  On the other hand, the artificial sweetening of the drink bogs it down—the aftertaste of the sweeteners is strong, and even with all that the drink at times tastes watered down, with a strange texture that I can only describe as “foamy”—and no, I don’t refer to the carbonation; it’s something else entirely apparent only in the aftertaste.  Further points are taken off for the lack of cherry in the “Cherry Lime”, which seems almost downplayed into nonexistence here.


The subpar flavor of the drink had me ready for a subpar rest of the experience, but it packs a wallop appropriate for the official drink of the UFC—saying that a drink “packs a punch” has never been more appropriately put to use.  I was fairly jittery towards the beginning, but the phenomenon subsided after a half hour or so, following which I was very awake and alert.


Xenergy Cherry Lime Premium…well, goes the distance.  I was up and going for about as long as I could have asked for, with absolutely zero crash to speak of once the drink had worn off several hours later.


In conclusion, Xenergy Cherry Lime Premium is unquestionably effective as an energy drink, and Xyience earns my full respect for the obvious effort they put into making a drink that stands apart from the masses—it is a beautiful thing to know that there are people who are willing to take the risk inherent in creating something fresh and different, rather than taking the safe route and hashing out yet another Red Bull clone.  Still, such efforts don’t always result in a 100% payoff, as evidenced by the flavor of this particular beverage, which in my mind still has a ways to go before perfected.


KEYWORDS: Xenergy Cherry Lime Premium Energy Drink review, authentic taste, official UFC energy drink, low carb, zero calories, sugar free 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Review for Slap Energy--Frost


200 mg


Ordinarily I consider a beverage’s presence at Wal-Mart sufficient grounds for a 10 for ease in acquisition; however, Wal-Mart is the only place I’ve seen that actually carries this stuff, for once providing something that’s (somewhat) out of the mainstream.  Given the near omnipresence of Wal-Mart here in the States, finding any Slap Energy product should still be, by and large, a fairly effortless endeavor.


As a general rule, I don’t favor the expansive exposure of aluminum on energy drink cans—it makes me think of the sugar free and low carb versions of drinks, which seem to almost scream “STAY AWAY” just by that getup (see the sugar free versions of Amp Energy and NOS for examples of this phenomenon), but even still, I think Slap Energy does an alright job with their packaging—somehow, the red and black plus the metallic light grey of the aluminum work together well here.  In addition, I couldn’t help but smile as I read the spiel on the side of the can immediately to the left of the front, which starts off by saying, “Hello…Thanks for checking out this part of the can.”  I like a little attitude in an energy drink.


Slap Frost provides an unusual variation on the Red Bull clone trend, and one that I don’t think works especially well.  The namesake of the drink is in reference to an unnamed ingredient added to provide a unique cooling sensation to the drink, which presents itself as sort of an after-effect once the drink has been swallowed…a sensation akin to consuming something cool with mint in it.  I’m not sure if this ingredient is what does it, but there is something that mars the energy drink flavor by its presence, which I find difficulty describing…almost kind of an earthy, dirty taste.  Not extensive, but definitely noticeable.  While I’ve got to give props to Slap Energy for trying to provide something different (very refreshing to see that somebody actually cares about that), the result isn’t entirely successful.


This stuff wastes no time getting started, and once you’re going, you’re going strong.  This is the first energy drink I’ve had that’s actually given me the shakes at the start, which will make it great for a long evening of studying and what not, but something I would definitely stay away from if one plans on operating heavy/dangerous machinery that requires precision of the digits, at least for the first little bit after drinking it.  The effect didn’t last long, but it is still worthy of note.


Slap Frost possessed a very impressive longevity, lasting for several hours before I at least ceased to feel the effects thereof.  Equally impressive is the lack of crash at the end of the road; once it’s over you’re simply back to normal.


All in all, I was pretty impressed with the performance of this drink—just got to fix that flavor; with the low price (only 98 cents plus tax) and a kick like this, Slap Energy products could wind up as some formidable competition to just about any of the current mainstream energy products (Monster Energy, Rockstar, Amp Energy, etc.).  I will reiterate that the brief period of the shakes at the beginning makes it a risky choice if you’re going to be working with stuff like buzz saws and the like immediately after consuming itnotwithstanding the brevity of the phenomenon, it could still present problems; I’d wait at least a half hour after drinking it if you’re going to be doing anything of the sort.


KEYWORDS: Slap Frost Energy Drink review, Red Bull clone, mint, colorless liquid

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Review for Monster Nitrous--Killer B

A while back, I was reading a review on and read the review for this drink.  Two formulations were mentioned—an old, and a new.  Well, by the time I got ahold of a can, it was for sure the new formulation—you know, with the ‘Extra Strength Nitrous Technology’ logo rather than the traditional deranged “NITROUS” logo.  Moved on with my life after the fact, but recently, while visiting a Mexican store, I came across a batch of the old can of Killer B—which had obviously been there a long time.  Grabbed a can, blew the sizable amount of dust off, bought it, and thereafter drank it.  I’m here today to note that there is indeed a difference, and to review both.  I’m going to go out of order today, just because the newer version is the one I tried first, and the comparison will make more sense if I go that route.


160 mg


I used to see this stuff everywhere; now I’m starting to notice that a few places have stopped carrying it.  Still, it’s not hard to find, and you can get it just short of everywhere.


Same unleashed-beast appearance of the other two, with the slanted Monster M, except with a moderately more regular background—yellow honeycomb in this case.  The contrast between the chaotic appearance of the other two Monster Nitrous flavors and this one is something I found intriguing; I’m surprised I haven’t seen more people buying it sooner.



I expected the characteristic release of pressure from this drink as I experienced from the others of the Monster Nitrous line, but I still wasn’t quite prepared for what I got—a tremendous WHOOSH and a spray of fine mist that reached the nearby wall and ceiling.  Checking to make sure that I still had all my fingers, I took a swig, and experienced a flavor of a curious citrus persuasion, predominantly lemon.  There was a mild sweetness akin to the sweetness of honey in there without the flavor thereof (I’m guessing that this is where the “Killer B” came from), but it was definitely less sweet than the others.  One way in which it was similar to the others is the unique carbonation and very smooth flavor, which made this pretty easy to take down.


I was noticeably fatigued before drinking this, and was brought to the point of being reasonably awake after the fact, without any jitters.  Effective, if a bit standard.


Duration was average, with no crash after the fact.  Nothing more to report other than that.


The best way to sum up this drink is a pleasant taste experience with a standard energy experience.  I don’t recommend it for a serious wake-me-up, though it should do for anything less.  My approval of it isn't the most enthusiastic I've offered, but still, I can't say there's anything to be lost in trying it.



As I mentioned, there is a difference between what you can find now and what was once available.  There’s a similar flavor profile to the new, except for two things: 1) the lemon flavor is more convincing and less generic, and 2) you can actually taste honey in there.  It’s thicker, and with a smoother sweetness than the newer version.  Nothing life changing, but enough that I liked it more.


Same as the new.  Decent, if a bit average.


Average—2½ hour’s worth of energy without a crash.


So…even if it I won’t lie in bed weeping at night because they changed the flavor (I’ll save that for the fact that Heavy Metal was discontinued), I’m a bit baffled by Monster’s decision to do so.  If you can find it, get the old version while before it’s gone for good.

UPDATE: As of September 2012, Killer B has been discontinued.

KEYWORDS: Monster Nitrous Killer B Energy Drink review, nitrous oxide, extra strength nitrous technology, two flavors, new version, old version

Review for Knockout Energy--The One Two Punch


160 mg


Almost always found with the original; the places that carry it are few and far between.  They seem to be most abundant in obscure locations, like remote highway gas stations.


Same issues I have with the original I have with this one; the name (think this through…“Knockout” as the stuff that will keep you awake…), the “99 cents” sunburst, etc.   Still, the basic design is sufficiently different from those of the drinks that you tend to see everywhere so as to be able to catch one’s eye when one encounters it, which I consider to be to its credit.


As indicated by the namesake, the drink is fruit punch flavored.  The drink was more carbonated than both Vegas Fuel and Rockstar Punched—Tropical Fruit Punch and less sugary (at least as far as taste is concerned) than the two, which led the experience to be at least reasonably agreeable, if not exactly outstanding.  Still, I’d strongly recommend Venom Energy—Death Adder if you really must have fruit punch.


Knockout Energy—The One Two Punch was quite unremarkable in this respect (again, like the original); it settles with providing a kick that simply borders on recognizable rather than being ambitious and actually providing something substantial.


The effects were reasonably long lasting, but given the fact that the kick was so weak to begin with, to what degree does duration make a difference?  Being just awake enough to do the job isn’t a pleasant level of energy to find one’s self in, but if you take this stuff down, you should plan on being there a while.


Essentially, this is just a fruit punch flavored variant of the original—unremarkable and uninspired in just about every way imaginable.  One can tell that as little effort as possible was placed into the drink, and the low price reflects the low value of the stuff.  If nothing else is available or if you're a collector, go ahead and try it, otherwise there's really no reason to do so.


KEYWORDS: Knockout Energy Drink review, fruit punch

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Review for Knockout Energy


160 mg


Places that carry this stuff are few and far between—I was fortunate enough to find a place that carried it about 15 minutes from where I live, but other than that, I haven’t found it terribly easy to come by.  Interestingly enough, visiting my wife’s grandparents (who live—I’m being dead serious here—in the middle of nowhere) I stopped by a few gas stations to get directions, and everywhere I went seemed to have it.


Knockout Energy advertises itself as sort of a bargain energy drink, and comes complete with a stamp advertising the pre-determined price of “99 cents.”  Overall, the look isn’t horrible—the can, with its black color, white fist, and green brass knuckles, was one of the first to catch my attention in a gas station refrigerator dominated by mainstream energy drinks.  At the same time, however, there are aspects of the packaging that seem to reflect efforts to curtail expenditures and thereby ensure the desired low price; examples being the actual name of the drink (does “Knockout” sound like a drink that you’d trust to keep you awake?), the flavor (the green trim and the designation of the flavor as “Original” leads me to a 99.99% surety that the drink is yet another Red Bull clone, hardly original and highly indicative that neither thought nor effort were placed into the flavor), and the stamp itself (I’m all for a bargain energy drink, but I do not believe that the yellow sunburst stamp is the way to advertise it; it really looks cheap).


Rant as I may about the recurrence of the Red Bull flavor in the energy drink world, I still like the taste.  This is as good as any Red Bull clone as you’ll find on the market (i.e. about equal to the original Monster Energy, though inferior to Monster Energy—Import) and with the price, it may be one of the few that manages to find a significant target demographic.


The kick delivered was fairly lackluster; it was just enough to keep me from falling asleep, but far from enough to really wake me up.  Needless to say, it left me feeling rather unimpressed.


The effect produced by the drink lasted a decent while; however, given the tame nature of the kick, it wasn’t the most agreeable state of awakedness I’ve ever experienced.  Also worthy of note was the crash after the fact, which left me feeling more wrung-out and drained than simply tired.


En fin, Knockout Energy receives a passing grade, though I found the entire experience to be dishearteningly ordinary.  Even if I have to admit that I like the traditional energy drink flavor, I’m tired of getting it half the time I open a can of something I haven’t tried before; and the kick amounted to an experience that was quite unimpressive.  If you have to try it or if it’s the cheap energy drink you’ve always been looking for, go for it; otherwise you really aren’t missing anything by passing it over.


KEYWORDS: Knockout Energy Drink review, Red Bull clone, traditional energy drink flavor