Thursday, February 14, 2013

Review for Zen Force--Peach/Mango


I actually don’t know; my guess is about 100-120 mg, though I will say (to make sure I don’t lose your attention after guessing a low caffeine content) that whatever the dosage, it has to be enough to perform very well in the kick department.


Smaller grocery chains in Idaho and Utah carry it more than anywhere else (apparently it’s also being sold in Hawaii), though if you don’t live there, it’s available for purchase online, and is fairly inexpensive.


This shot has everything going for it that the original Tropical Berry shot did as far as looks are concerned—simple, but bold and business-like—only thing I don’t like as much is the background color.  I prefer the blood red to the creamy tomato soup red-orange in the background here, but it’s still not a deal-breaker.


This is another shot I’d had previously, and hadn’t been terribly pleased with—the first half of the bottle was agreeable enough, tasting a great deal like those gummy peach rings you can find in the candy isle of just about any store, but soon yielded to some unfortunate medicinal bitterness that I disliked more than I had liked the peach ring flavor.  Trying it a second time over ice, I found it to be much more agreeable—the medicinal bitterness that had dominated the room-temperature bottle was only detectible at the finish, and I actually found myself enjoying the shot (nothing to floor me, but still good enough to be alright with).


In terms of kick, this wasn’t any different than the original tropical berry flavor—it wasn’t immense or formidable, but it did make my trip to the gym as easy as anything else I’ve had, and what’s more, it didn’t for a second feel jittery or overcaffeinated or wrung out—just alert and with a good, very natural-feeling level of energy.


It’s almost always a pity when one’s caffeine fix is over—one second you’re flying high, next you’ve crashed and feel like a burning mass of wreckage scattered over an empty field.  But…this doesn’t happen here.  The natural-feeling energy level lasts a full five hours, and like one’s natural energy it doesn’t send you crashing to the earth after the fact—just ready to sleep like a normal, non-caffeine addict.


As long as you drink this cold, the flavor’s not bad; but regardless of how you drink it you’d be hard-pressed to find a more well rounded shot.  As with the tropical berry flavor I’m making this a staple for my trips to the gym, and wholeheartedly recommend you try it for yourself.

If applicable to you, note that this also makes for an excellent way to wean yourself off of caffeine if you are an an addict.

KEYWORDS: Zen Force Peach Mango energy shot review, low carb, low calorie, diet, all-natural caffeine, green tea energy

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