my cans of Runa as samples, but bottled variants are available on their
website. For some reason, though,
I can’t seem to find where to order it in cans, so if interested, realize
you’re probably going to wind up buying something different than what I’m
not often I get something as new and unusual as Runa, and at the same time,
it’s not often that something this unique gets so little attention in the
packaging department. For
starters, Runa is made from the tea of a caffeinated plant that I hadn’t so
much as heard of before reviews for Runa started popping up on various review
sites (possessedbycaffeine.com and caffeineking101.blogspot.com). While you can find yerba mata and
tea-based energy beverages just about anywhere (even Wal-Mart has Sambazon),
Runa’s guayusa base is a first, and really deserves some special
attention. That being said, if
you’ve got something as unique and cool as this on your hands, why not show it on the can? Why would you stick it in something so
bland as the bare aluminum it comes in, and leave the advertising of the
guayusa at the mere mentioning of it in the small, 12-point font band at the
bottom of the can? Like I said,
the fact that guayusa is very cool—but it’s something that needs to be boldly
advertised with bright and beautiful imagery on every single freaking can (I
know they can do it, just check out the bottles on the website!); as is this is
something that most people would just pass over.
was primed to enjoy my can of Runa—popping the can open I was hit with a
wondrous earthy scent, and pouring it out into my Energy Glass I found the warm
red-brown color to be quite pleasing.
That’s one of the reasons I hate to say that Runa tastes really, really,
really bad.
it doesn’t reach the depths of chemical monstrosities like Dynapep or Aeroshot,
but in this case the all-natural nature of the drink is small comfort; it’s
like nothing so much as very bitter carbonated straw. It was bad enough that getting down all iced 8.4 oz was a
challenge—it’s been a very long time since I’ve had this much trouble getting
down so little liquid.
the same time, I’d like to give it a try again, but knowing what awaits, I
would dump in a teaspoon of raw sugar or two (organic free-trade kosher sugar
distilled from the tears of joy shed by free-range unicorns, if it makes you
feel any better), just to see if a little sweetness offsets the bitterness at
all. Given the chance, I will do
so and report my findings at that time.
other reason why I so hate that Runa tastes so bad is that I so like its
kick. This is not an exceptionally
intense energy drink, loaded with anhydrous caffeine and all manner of other
purported energy-boosting ingredients. The logo “clean energy” actually describes it quite nicely—a
spotless mid-range boost, free of the jittery contaminants common to most
energy drinks.
three hours passed before I was ready to hit the couch. No crash—just felt nice and tired.
really a pity that this novel beverage tastes so bad; otherwise I’d be happy to
recommend it for the all-natural ingredients and smooth kick. I see that Runa has a plethora of
drinks on their site, enough that you can justify shying away from this one in
favor of one that (in all likelihood) tastes better.
Runa energy drink review, Runa Clean Energy, all natural, guayusa, zero carb,
zero sugar, zero calorie
I actually enjoy the taste of Runa, but I'm a big fan of teas. I also find it gives me more level/natural feeling energy than Rockstar or Monster, which is a fast spike. Runa is available at Bristol Farms.